Baby soap - what do you know about it
When medical experts said that any soapadversely affects the skin of the child, a special baby was created, designed for toddlers under the age of seven. It is believed that before this age the skin of the child is especially exposed to the destructive effect of alkali. Baby soap has fulfilled its main task: for many decades it has been reliably protecting the delicate skin of a child.
Let's look at what the child is made ofsoap. The composition of this valuable product is 100% natural. In it, you will not find perfume additives, because they are able to cause allergic reactions to the skin of the baby. Its composition is saturated with emollients - lanolin, vegetable oils, glycerin. In some cases, they can complement the juices of medicinal herbs - chamomile, sequins, calendula, celandine, sage and St. John's wort.
If there is such a need (for example, hypersensitivity
Now you can see not onlytraditional lumpy baby soap, but also liquid. It should be noted that it is even more suitable for a baby than a lumpy one. This is due to the fact that the liquid soap is much softer than lumpy (the amount of pH is from 5.5 to 7 units). It contains very few alkalis, the main focus is on the acid medium. It contains more herbal and herbal juices, which the baby's skin needs to maintain balance. This soap has a dispenser, and therefore is very economical.
Children's soap can also be recommended for adults, if their
Every day in the market appears more and morenatural products designed specifically for toddlers. The best products for children are not toxic, do not cause allergies, they do not have harmful chemicals for the baby's skin and perfume additives. Using handmade baby soap, you can keep the baby's skin perfectly healthy.
Children's skin is more vulnerable to toxic effectssubstances than an adult. They have not yet formed the immune and nervous systems. Therefore, to avoid problems with the baby's skin, use only a quality, environmentally friendly soap.