/ / What should I take to the maternity hospital?

What should I take to the maternity hospital?

Approximately from 30 weeks of pregnancy the woman needsbe completely ready to go to the hospital. As a rule, by this time the apartment has been prepared for the reception of a new member of the family. It remains only to collect a bag with which the mother will go to the hospital. Not all think this procedure is necessary, because all you need to take to the hospital, to buy and can bring my husband, mother or girlfriend. However, do not look for friends, even best friend something can confuse or forget, and only the husband is sure to make all wrong.

All you need to take to the hospital, you candivided into several groups: the documents of the woman in childbirth, things for the woman, things for the child. Documents, namely a passport, a medical policy and an exchange card after 30 weeks must be worn with you all the time, because deliveries can begin at any moment, to find a woman in the most uncomfortable place.

Of course, in the hospital the woman will be accepted with contractions andwithout documents. However, this will entail some consequences. First, doctors in the hospital will not know the features of the course of pregnancy, the state of health, will not be aware of possible complications. All these data are indicated in the map. This means that in the event of the onset of those very complications, doctors may not be ready for them, which can affect the health of women and children. Secondly, there will not be a maternity hospital and information about the diseases of a woman who may threaten not only her health, but also the health of other parturient women: about infectious diseases, such as rubella or AIDS. For this reason, a woman without documents can be placed in an infectious box.

The rest of things are easy enough to assemble inA separate bag and put in a prominent place in the house. In principle, now you can buy a pharmacy ready kit for a trip to the hospital. However, it includes only a minimal set of things, which means that it's better to do it yourself.

What should I take to the maternity ward for myself? First of all, a comfortable robe, best of all without buttons, with a smell. The robe must be easily unbuttoned so that it is convenient to feed the baby. For the same purposes, a nightgown should be fitted, as well as a bra. In addition, you need to take your panties, cotton or disposable.

It is necessary to stock up the gaskets. Pharmacies sell special, postpartum. They are larger than usual, able to absorb more liquid and have a softer surface. Take them better with a margin, because in the early days, bleeding can be very strong. In addition, you need to prepare for the leakage of milk. It arrives very early in the first days, and in order not to spoil the underwear, special absorbent inserts must be put in the bra. And, of course, it is useful to the woman in labor and the postnatal bandage.

Naturally, we must take with us to the hospital andother personal care products, such as toothbrush, paste, shower gel, shampoo. You will also need two towels: for the body and for the face and hands, and the comb. And, of course, you need to take a plate, mug, fork, spoon.

Just in case, you can take a book with you anda couple of magazines. After all, small children sleep much, so some free time is formed. Books and magazines will allow you to take time, in addition, in thematic magazines you can find useful information for a young mother.

What should I take to the hospital for my child? Diapers are usually given out, clean and sterile. It remains only to take a few raspashonok, it is better with tightly sewn up sleeves, so that the baby does not scratch himself, a few bonnets and a few pairs of socks. Disposable diapers will greatly facilitate your stay in the hospital. Still useful wet wipes without cosmetic additives, so as not to cause the child allergies. And, of course, you need to take a towel for your baby.

About that it is necessary to take in a maternity home, it is already toldin some detail. It remains to say a few words about what should not be taken. First of all, forget for a couple of days about decorative cosmetics, various perfumes and perforated deodorants. First, the woman's skin should be perfectly clean when in contact with the child. Secondly, various sharp smells can irritate the smell of the baby.

Cosmetics will be needed only before discharge. Before discharge, you can also bring a smart envelope for your baby, and beautiful clothes for your mother.

It must be borne in mind that in each maternity hospital its requirements, which must be known in advance.

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