A bag in the maternity home - useful advice to future mothers
To begin with it is necessary to be defined or determined with maternity home, inwhich the pregnant woman will go to give birth. The fact is that in many medical institutions there is a certain list of necessary things for both the future mother and the baby.
Why do we need these bags?
For the sake of confidence it is necessary to collect 3 bags,although the first and second can be combined. In the first it will be necessary to put things together for the mother before and after, and in the second - things for the baby. The third bag you need will be only on the discharge from the hospital. In it should lie pre-cooked things for both the baby and the young mother. Some may ask - why prepare things in advance, if you can do it and then? Believe my experience, after the birth, time passes very quickly, and the young father will simply lose himself in what to do first, and the young mother will be calmer. By the way, be ready for a trip to the hospital you need from the 38th week. Therefore, let the bag in the hospital is better to stand somewhere in the corner and wait for the right moment. And now let's look at its contents closer.
Bag before delivery
If you go to the hospital a little beforehand, or youthere were false bouts, you were already in the hospital, and doctors refused to let you go home, with you it is necessary to have, first of all, a passport, an exchange card, a policy confirming the availability of medical insurance, and a generic certificate. Then, without fail, you need to put a robe in your bag, preferably on a snake (it will be easier to remove and put on if necessary), room slippers, two night shirts. In general, all maternity hospitals ask to have a detergent for hands. In any case, it will come in handy. Do not forget to put socks in the bag (2
Gone birth ...
And here this moment has come - you have given birth, and at youthere was a little man. Now you will need a bag at number 2. This bag in the hospital will contain things for your newborn and extra things for the young mother. For the baby it is necessary to put the following clothes (preferably three sets): the loin is simple and warm, although you can replace them with body and blouse. Also sliders, a cap and a scratch on the handles, so that the child does not scratch himself, diapers (they can take more than 3 pieces) and, of course, disposable diapers for newborns. For feeding, you need to have a small bottle and a pacifier. You can put a pacifier, but not the fact that your child will take it. To hygiene baby will need peroxide and sterile cotton wool, baby cream or powder, wet wipes. You can still put children's soap and paper towels.
Here it is time to go home
The third bag in the hospital will be with things for dischargenewborn and mummy. Things must be chosen according to the weather, since the child can not be overheated, and the young mother can not chill the chest. Now in children's shops, a novelty has appeared on sale - a bag in the maternity hospital, which can not be bought by a young father. It includes things for the baby. Well, that seems to be all. Good luck to you and healthy kids!