/ / Tips for kitten owners - can I feed a kitten with an adult food?

Tips for the owners of kittens - can I feed the kitten with adult food?

Proper nutrition of the kitten is the guarantee of its futurehealth. Unfortunately, the owner can not provide the baby with the food that his relatives ate in the wild. If you start to feed it with food bought in the store and intended for people, then rarely you can avoid stomach upset in a small pet. Only a special feed for kittens of good quality guarantees the absence of such troubles.

Can I feed the kitten with adult food

Why do we need food for kittens?

A small kitten needs an increasedthe number of proteins, vitamins, trace elements compared with adults. Calcium and phosphorus are needed for the construction of bones, teeth, vitamins - for the development of vision. Since mothers feed babies, mostly for up to two months, and after that the owner must deal with this issue, he should well imagine what kind of food a small growing organism needs to turn into a healthy, cheerful animal. After two months, the kittens begin to wonder what their mother cat feeds on. What food to choose for a kitten? Veterinary advice to the owner leaves a choice between home food or factory food (dry and wet).

What is more useful for a kitten?

Many owners of animals are tormented by the question of whichfeed to choose for a kitten. According to the advice of a veterinarian, cats can be given both natural food and special food of industrial production. To feed "from a table", as do some owners, veterinarians do not recommend. Cat food is different from human large protein content. Therefore, for a diet to match the ideal diet, the owner of the animal must know how the digestive system of the pet is working.

Natural food or ready-made food?

If there is no meat in the ration of the pet, then he has problems with cell regeneration, with blood coagulability, other diseases. Sugar, starch, smoked cats are contraindicated.

However, only meat cats can not be fed, becausethey have a shortage in the body of calcium with an overabundance of phosphorus. The thyroid gland disease, which reduces the mineralization of the skeleton, begins. Violated gait, deny hind legs, and loving owners flee to the vet, because they believe that the pet jumped from above and hurt herself. In addition to meat, the cat needs more by-products and plant foods.

from what age can kittens dry food

Vegetable food in nature cats receive,eating the contents of the stomachs of small animals caught. Such plants are already in a semi-digested state, ideally taken by the digestive system of carnivores.

Kashi, fish, dairy products, sausages are notare suitable food for cats, as they provoke the concentration of urine in the body, and this, in turn, causes urolithiasis. Mineral salts from undeveloped products are manifested by crystalline precipitation of urine.

So, if you feed your favorite pets the right wayhome food, then making a diet turns out to be quite a challenge. Vets are constantly asked if it is possible to feed the kitten with adult food. The best food in nature would be for kittens the little mice their mother would get them, but since those are not found in urban apartments, the person himself must provide his pets with everything necessary for growth, proper development.

How many times a day to feed a kitten

Fortunately, the manufacturers took care ofProper nutrition of animals, releasing for them and their babies dry and moist feeds that contain well-balanced nutrients necessary for health.

Dry or wet food?

Wet feeds are of two types:

  • spiders ("sachets") - contain a lot of moisture in the form of broth or sauce with pieces of food;
  • canned goods - are packed in metal jars of different volume, are designed for longer storage than spiders.

Dry is ideala balanced diet for adults and toddlers and contain a small amount of water (5-12%). They are economical, they are stored for a long time, they preserve their taste. Cats can feel great all their life, eating only dry planks. On packages for owners it is always written, from what age kittens can dry food.

what food to choose for a kitten the advice of a veterinarian

The only condition! A cat eating "crackers" should always have a bowl filled with clean drinking water for washing. Whether it is possible to feed a kitten with an adult food, the owner decides, but it is better not to do this even for up to 6 months.

Kittens can be given dry food with 2-3 months. But you should not buy kids products of economy class. It is better to start with premium products, the composition of which is best balanced for the correct diet of kittens.

How many times a day to feed the kitten?

A kitten from a month's age should startaccustom to self-feeding. On dry and moist finished feed it is transferred within a month. It is better to give food to the baby often, but little by little. As they say in famous advertising: the stomach of a kitten is smaller than a thimble. When eating dry food, the baby does not know the measure. If it is oversaturated, then the probability of vomiting is high.

  • When the baby is 1,5-2 months old, he needs to give food at least 6 times a day, trying to do it at the same time.
  • At the age of 4 months, you can decide how many times a day to feed the kitten - 3 or 4. At the same time, you can leave the dry granules constantly lying in the bowl, if the owner is busy throughout the day.
  • From 10 months the kitten is considered an adult.
  • By the year the transition to adult nutrition has been completed.

Is it possible to give a kitten to an adult cat?

Ready-made food is an excellent choice for workingpeople who can not pay due attention to the drawing up of a cat's diet. The transition to adult nutrition from the child is simple - in the recommended period of life by veterinarians. But to buy for a pet is better feed, which costs a class higher than food from the category of "economy". In granules of economy class contain more vegetables and bone meal, than it is necessary for the health of a cat. The premium class completely satisfies the need of kittens in quality food.

how many times a day to feed a kitten

Cat owners often ask a question: "Can I feed a kitten with adult food?". TOOf course, if the baby eats dry granules fromthe mother bowl, then nothing terrible will happen. But constantly produce adult animals it is better not to give, because it contains less vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and other substances necessary for the proper development of the growing organism.

The first time dry food can be moistened, but, as a rule, it is not required. In two months the kitten gnaws the food granules with sharp teeth.

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