/ / How to clean the iron

How to clean the iron

Modern household appliances, though maximallymakes our life easier by taking on the basic loads of washing, cleaning, ironing, preparing food, also requires care and attention. And the "smarter" the device, the more popular the brand, the more careful treatment the thing requires.

For example, an iron. What brands, models and modifications are not produced now! With steamers and without, with a sliding sole, with a gentle ironing function ... But no matter how the owner tried to protect the ironing surface from carbon deposits or other foreign impurities, alas, this is impossible.

How to clean the iron, how to make expensive and necessary ineconomy thing is again workable? It turns out that it's not just a fantasy, but also a mistress! And they are ready to help a whole army of chemical cleaning agents, as well as old, good, time-tested grandmother's recipes.

How to clean the iron from the deposit? This depends, first of all, on the nature of the contamination.

  • If to the ironing side the moltensynthetic fibers - do not be scared. It is necessary to switch the iron on and wait until it heats up to the degree of melting of foreign impurities. Then the dirt can be removed with a wooden smooth kitchen spatula or ice cream stick. To clean the sole completely, it should be led back and forth along a rough fabric, for example, a terry towel. But what can not be done in any case, it's trying to clean the iron with any abrasives, plastic and even more so metal (scrape with a knife or scissors).
  • In the event that spots on the sole of precise identification do not lend themselves, it is better to purchase a special cleaner for cleaning and to process the soles of them.
  • Far from always cleaning gives the desired result withfirst time. This applies to stains on the surface of chromium or aluminum. Then you can clean the iron with an additional solution of baking soda. It should be diluted in water to the consistency of the toothpaste, applied to the ironing sole and ironed soft tissue. Naturally, do not heat the iron! When the stains come off, wipe the surface again with a damp cloth. This method is not applied to non-stick coatings.
  • How to clean an iron whose surface is madefrom non-stick metal or Teflon - another conversation. The spots from the water are wiped out here with a damp cloth, the rest of the fibers - with a wooden spatula. When greasy or sticky impurities such surfaces are better treated with any cleaning agent. Then just wipe the soles with a soft cloth. And before starting ironing, it is advisable to heat the iron a little, iron the surface for them - for the final, so to speak, sterilization.
  • If artificial fabrics of the type are adhered to the solenylon, you should clean the iron with ordinary acetone. The cold surface must be "drained" with a cloth soaked in it, until the desired result is obtained. But just do not allow the contact of acetone and iron parts made of plastic - acetone plastic will spoil.
  • How to clean the iron from stains of wax? In this case, the newspapers will help out. The device should be heated as much as possible and ironed newspapers to the optimum result. To be afraid of the fact that hot soles will come into contact with the printing ink, it is not necessary - such a reaction will not occur, another "sweep" will not be required.
  • Try not to smudge the ironing sole at allalso possible. To do this, all work with the iron is desirable to make through one hundred percent cotton fabric, thin enough so that it does not become an obstacle to high-quality ironing.

Sometimes cleaning is needed not only the bottom sideiron, but also its individual parts. For example, how to clean an iron with a steam chamber, if it has one? To do this, you need to know what type of water is suitable for this model - ordinary tap water or distilled water. Next come this way.

The iron is turned off from the network (or does not turn on!), water is poured into it. Then the device should be turned on in the network and start the self-cleaning function - such is planned in almost all modern models. To keep the iron in this procedure, you need a sole down, preferably over a sink or bath - steam comes out of it, which can turn into condensate. Then let the iron cool and wipe it off.

There are other cleaning methods and methods."Hot" assistant. The main thing - careful handling and timely conduct of "hygienic" procedures. Then the thing will serve and help for many years.

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