/ / The child sees and hears from the cradle: when he starts to see and hear the newborn

The child sees and hears from the cradle: when he starts to see and hear the newborn

Difficult time is already behind us. On your hands, you get a little kuleček. Now comes the moment when you are asking the question: "Is everything okay with my baby?"

development of a newborn child
The child sees and hears from the cradle

During the first weeks after birth, your babynot as indifferent as it might seem at first glance. He can sleep, cry and dirty diapers much more than there is. His senses really function, and he hears sounds, smells, which are inherent in a new world for him.

It is difficult for parents to understand when the baby is beginning to feel, but if you pay close attention, you will see how he reacts to light, noise, loud music and high voices.

Let's understand when the newborn begins to see and hear?

In the first weeks of life, the baby can seedistance of 20-30 cm. If it is in the hands of a mother or father, watch him, he will always look at you, and also focus on distant objects. Babies are very sensitive to bright light, so it is better if the child's room is muffled soft light. The development of a newborn child begins with his first days. After he examines his mother and father, just bright spots and contrasting pictures, he will look at the movement of things, on bright and sonorous toys, all of which will attract and hold his eyes much longer than before.

Although your kid's eyesight is functioning, it still requires some

development of a newborn baby

easy adjustment, especially when it comes to focusing. You even
it may seem that the eyes of the crumb are slightly mowed. Do not worry, this is normal: the eye muscles of a small child will still be strengthened over the next few months. But if it seems to you that the eyes of your baby cross more than they should, or they are muddy, be sure to inform the doctor about it. Hang a baby over a crib toy bright colors, he is interested in everything when he starts to see and hear. The newborn will look with interest at new places, if you will more often provide him with changes in the landscape.

And what about the crumbs with hearing?

The baby begins to hear when he is still in the womb of his mother. He feels Mom's heart beating, rumbling in his stomach, even hearing her voice and the sounds of others, too.

when he starts to see and hear the newborn
After the birth of the baby sounds of the outside worldbecome for him loud and clear. When a newborn begins to see and hear, it can be hit by an unexpected dog bark nearby or the noise that the vacuum cleaner emits. Try to pay attention to how the baby reacts to your voice. The voices of Mom and Dad are especially familiar to him, and at this time he feels protection and tranquility. He already knows when he is going to be fed, laid, bathed, as the development of the child is carried out. The newborn is very easily frightened by a loud knock or noise. To prevent this, make sure that your family is attentive to this factor.

We sorted out the questions about when it startsto see and hear the newborn, but he still has so much to learn, and the family needs to help him cope with all this. After all, no one knows as well a crumb as his parents do.

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