/ How many newborns sleep at night and in the daytime

How many newborns sleep at night and during the day

Along with other questions about childcare,parents often wonder how many newborn babies sleep. New mums and dads are characterized by excessive excitement, anxiety and doubt. Often, some believe that their baby sleeps too little, others are surprised that a lot. In fact, it is impossible to state specifically and unequivocally how much the newborn sleeps. From the very first days each person is individual.

how many newborn babies sleep
According to the average statistical data, the firstA week after the birth of the children sleep almost without a round the clock. Depending on their characteristics, the sleep of newborns can be from 16 to 22 hours. A child wakes up when he feels hungry. Some people eat for 20 minutes and immediately fall asleep again, while others are awake for a while, getting acquainted with the world around them. During the day, sleep between feedings reaches an average of 2-4 hours. At night, children can sleep 5-7 hours. Do not wake the baby before this time. After all, it is in a dream that children grow most rapidly, gain strength, develop the brain and all other systems of the body. Thus, if no matter how much the newborn sleeps, he is not worried, eats well, has a regular chair and normal temperature, then everything is in order, and he can rest just as much as his body needs.

Phases of a newborn's sleep

how many a day does the newborn sleep

It is important for parents to know not only how much it sleepsnewborn, but also how he sleeps. The child's sleep has three phases: a weak dream, a strong and very deep sleep. The first phase lasts about 30 minutes. At this time, the baby should not be disturbed and let him sleep peacefully. During the second and third phases, the child is already quite fast asleep, so parents can safely take up their affairs without fear of waking him up.

Some mothers visit different questions aboutthat the child falls asleep during feeding. In this there is absolutely nothing abnormal. In addition, this phenomenon is quite common. This is especially often observed with breastfeeding. First, the baby is pleasant to fall asleep next to his mother, with whom he was inseparable all 9 months. Secondly, breast sucking is for him a physical work, performing which, he is tired and, as a consequence, falls asleep. It is important to know that the newborn drinks the bulk of milk in the first 5 minutes, so it does not make any sense to feed it for more than 20 minutes.

What determines the duration of a night's sleep of a newborn

how many the newborn sleeps
It is worth noting that how many sleepsnewborn at night, depends on the place. So, for example, falling asleep next to the mother, the baby can not wake up at all during 9 hours (at an average rate of 5-7). This is explained by the fact that the child feels warmth, comfort and hears such a native and favorite smell of his mother. In addition, at any time it can attach to the chest, so his sleep will be more calm. However, a night rest with a child in one bed can bring a lot of inconvenience to the parents. In the future, they can face the problem, accustoming the baby to his own crib.

Each child has everything individually, including a dream, but all the same parents should know the average rate, how many a day a newborn sleeps.

The sleep rate of the child
Age of childDaytime sleepNight sleepDaily rest
1 month8816
3 months10515
6 months113,514,5
9 months11,5314,5
1 year11,52,5


The older the child becomes, the less timehe spends on a dream. In his first days of life he grows strong, gaining strength, and then gradually begins to spend more and more time on acquaintance with his parents and all that surrounds him. By the second month, the baby's sleep on average is reduced to 16 hours a day. And by the year this figure reaches 14 hours.

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