/ How to help get rid of a child cough from year to year?

How to help get rid of a child cough for a year?

from a child to a cough
Each mother at least once in my life came acrossthe situation when her child coughs. Almost always cough is a symptom of various diseases, the body's reaction to irritants, with which it seeks to remove harmful substances. It can be caused by various reasons, therefore, in order to understand which drug to give a child from cough to a child from a year or older, it is necessary to correctly diagnose it. The cause of coughing can be:

- presence of inflammation in the upper and lower respiratory tract (nose, mouth, pharynx, lungs, bronchi, trachea);

- irritations of a different nature (mechanical, chemical, thermal, etc.);

- causes of psychological nature.

There are two types of cough: dry (unproductive) and moist (with sputum discharge). To get rid of a cough, a child needs to take medicines from year to year, which help to dilute sputum in the respiratory tract and turn barking cough into a productive cough that helps to get rid of sputum.

from coughing to a child 1 year old
In this case it is necessary to give expectorantsmeans, for example, dry medicine for children or tablets for cough. A child of 6 years can already give capsules or lozenges. All these products are represented in the range of the trade mark "Bronhicum". Antitussive action is carried out due to the effects of extracts of thyme and primrose. In addition, the doctor may prescribe other drugs with a similar effect.

Cough to a child of 1 year is well helped by fundsfolk medicine - decoctions, infusions of roots and herbs (mother-and-stepmother, plantain, marshmallow, licorice, plantain, pine buds, etc.). A traditional, well-proven recipe is the preparation of radish juice with honey. In the radish a hole is hollowed out, which is filled with honey, and the vegetable is infused for a while. To get a quick effect, the resulting sweet syrup should be consumed more than once a day, and every hour for 1 tsp. Another delicious cough remedy, which is very popular with children, is the gogol-mogol. It can be given from a child to a cough every year in the absence of allergies to honey and eggs. For its preparation, grind until the appearance of white foam 2 tbsp. l. melted on a steam bath butter, 1 tbsp. l. honey and two yolks. Take 2 tsp. 30 minutes before meals.

At the moment when the child's cough became productive, and the phlegm began to clear away, it is necessary to create conditions conducive to its rapid removal from the body. It can be:

- breast massage with gentle tapping;

- Warming procedures (inhalations, mustard plasters, baths, rubbing, etc.).

from coughing to a child 6 years old
Very useful at this time from coughing to the child fromyear of grinding with badger fat. It is especially good to do this in the evening before going to sleep: you need to rub your back, chest, baby's feet and wrap it well. Older children can take badger and fat inside. In addition to the curative, it also provides a general strengthening effect, stimulates the immune system.

When treating a cough, remember thattime of illness it is necessary to drink a lot of liquid, eat nutritious and easily digestible food, rich in vitamins and trace elements; to observe the correct regime of the day, alternating periods of sleep and rest.

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