/ / At what age do cats sterilize and do you need to do this?

At what age do cats sterilize and should it be done?

At what age do cats sterilize
Every lover of domestic cats, not planningto cultivate them, to think about the age at which cats are sterilized. After all, I do not want to give my pet unpleasant feelings during the operation and during the recovery after it. This article is devoted to this very issue.

Sterilization and its essence

At what age do cats sterilize? The most favorable time is the period when the animal has already reached puberty, that is, the age of 7-8 months. What does the procedure of sterilization, or rather castration, mean? This is the removal of the ovaries and uterus under general anesthesia. The incision is made along the line of the abdomen, or from the side. The healing of wounds after the operation occurs fairly quickly, and the cat soon again begins to live a normal life. Let's take a closer look at the question of the age at which cats are sterilized. According to foreign veterinarians, such an operation should be carried out to the animal in 2-3 months. However, at such an early age, surgical intervention can lead to improper development of the kidneys and the endocrine system. Therefore, it is best to sterilize the animal in a period of 7 to 12 months.

"Pros" of sterilization

• prevention of the risk of oncological diseases of the reproductive system;

Sterilize the cat price

• loss of ability to reproduce and sexual instincts;
• lack of irritability in the animal and unpleasant odors;
• absence of small kittens, which very often have nowhere to attach.

For maintenance at home, it is better to sterilize the cat. The price for these services varies from 2500 to 4000 rubles.

Pet care during the postoperative period

It is not so important, at what age do they sterilizecats, recovery from surgery and healing of wounds occurs quite quickly. In about two weeks. During this period, you will need to show increased attention and care in relation to the pet. The cat's bed should be flat so that there is no risk of stretching the seams. Regularly it is required to check the condition of the sutures for the presence of pus and bleeding. If they are present, you should immediately show the cat to the veterinarian in order to avoid serious consequences. To the cat did not lick and comb the wounds, for a fortnight, you can make a bandage, for example, from a stocking, in which you need to make holes for the paws. Virtually all animals that have undergone sterilization, after rehabilitation, increase appetite. As you already, probably,

Is it necessary to sterilize a cat
noticed, such cats are prone to fatness. Therefore, try to play more often with her and attract her interest by active actions to avoid possible obesity.

Do you need to do sterilization or not?

Many people believe that to deprive the cat of joysMaternity means to make it inferior and unhappy. But let's think about the fact that animals differ from people in that they are guided not by reason, but by instincts. Cats take care of the cute kittens until they grow up and become either competitors or even partners in sexual relations. The domestic pet after the procedure of castration loses interest in the instinct of reproduction and gets rid of the instincts of motherhood. Whether it is necessary to sterilize the cat or not, it is up to you to decide, of course.

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