/ / Son-in-law - who is this in the modern world?

Son-in-law - who is this in the modern world?

What true Russian did not hear folk songssayings? Probably, there are few such. And how many proverbs exist about various family ties, and it is difficult to count. What are the only well-known sparkling statements about the relationship between mother-in-law and son-in-law, so widely used by the people in anecdotal situations. For example, "son-in-law on the threshold, mother-in-law for eggs", "our son-in-law has a lot of zeal," "he has milked his son-in-law for a son-in-law and a stupa," "they say that the mother-in-law is hell, and the mother-in-law is a treasure." As, probably, many already guessed, today we will talk about a man who is called "son-in-law", who he is, what his place in the family is.

Relevance of the issue

Despite the apparent simplicity of the term,to some, including our young contemporaries, the word "son-in-law" may seem unfamiliar and incomprehensible in meaning, even despite its widespread use. In order not to be confused in terminology, and also to adequately interpret the meaning of what has been heard or read about family ties and domestic relations, a small article is offered to your attention for an independent educational program on this issue.

Son-in-law - who is this?

son-in-law who it is

If you pay attention to the pronunciation of the word, thenthe related "one-root" term can be considered the verb "know". In etymological terms, from many languages, including Old Slavonic, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Slovenian, Czech, the word "son-in-law" translates unequivocally. Literally it means "fiance". From the Greek the term is translated as "relative, brother". There are also such unusual words that contain a common root, indicating a certain relation to the main term, such as the aubin, the son-in-law, the son-in-law, the zyatitsya, most likely used in common people or in fiction describing folk traditions and customs of Russian villages, originality and originality of the Russian language.

Term meaning

Returning to the modern semantic load,which is assigned to the given word, that is, simply finding out whose son-in-law is someone in a relative, one can understand that historically this word was used to refer to the groom or the husband of daughters, sisters or nieces, as well as any man becoming a relative after the marriage. Mom and dad of the wife become, respectively, mother-in-law and father-in-law, brother - brother-in-law, and sister of the wife - sister-in-law.

History and customs

Despite modern ideas about familyrelationship, originally in the olden times in Russia, as well as in existing and to this day remote village depths and settlements, the figure of the son-in-law was considered quite influential and revered.

This is indicated by the surviving and extantour times, literary descriptive sources, confirming that even in the usual way of peasant villages there were certain traditions of receiving, treating and honoring the daughter's husband. Especially if the wife had any lack of appearance or with a scarce wedding dowry. Perhaps, from here also the prejudices about strained and conflict relations between mother-in-law and the husband of her daughter are taken.

son-in-law who is related

In our life, you can often meet a son-in-law,who came to live in his wife's family. Such a newly-born relative is usually called a prima. However, it is still considered, and practice shows, to preserve good relations, it is better that the young family live separately. Then the mother-in-law and the son-in-law will not interfere. Who it is and who each other have, we have already found out.

Instead of an epilogue

Everyone, coming to this world, immediately acquiresrelatives. Linking ourselves to this or that person, we ourselves can choose our own family. And often the narrow-minded labeling, whether mother-in-law or son-in-law (who it is - read above), ridiculing his relationships with other family members, can influence the future trend of his behavioral reactions among relatives.

son-in-law translation
Therefore, above all, always remain a good person! Then the son-in-law of the mother-in-law will be the first guest!

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