/ / Cat asher - a myth or a sensational reality?

Cat asher - a myth or a sensational reality?

In 2006, the world circled the message, whichworld animal lovers the effect of an exploding bomb: the American company Lifestyle Steel as a result of the synthetic crossing of the African serval genes, the wild Asian and ordinary domestic cats, has brought out a new breed. Referring to the eastern origin of the new race, it was named after the Babylonian goddess Astarte (in English Asher). Photos of these "divine" felines in the shortest time became leaders in the number of clicks on the Internet. First of all, the size of "pets" hit: the average cat of the asher breed reached a length of one meter and weighed about 14 kilograms. The size of a large dog was complemented by the hefty fangs and color of a leopard.

The company that brought out the largest domestic cat in the world, said that the character of the representatives of this breed is the most friendly: they like to rub against the feet

Cat of the breed of asher
at the owner, purr, cute play with children andnever bite the postman or guests at home. Lifestyle Pets claimed that the animal loves walking on a leash like a dog and, moreover, hypoallergenic, that is, it can be kept for people who have a physiological rejection of cat hair. For a long time the whole world was crazy about these pussies, and the price of 27 to 125 thousand dollars did not scare away those who wanted to acquire this asher. The cat, according to the company's rules, could be purchased only after making a deposit of six thousand dollars, after which the owners promised to deliver the animal only six months later.

The excitement lasted about two years, until in 2008a certain Chris Shirk from Pennsylvania (USA), a breeder who cultivates the Savannah breed, did not recognize in the photo posted on the Internet, which allegedly portrayed the cat of Asher, his pet. Chris said that this animal was bought by a Lifestyle Pets employee to fraudulently inflate the price of Savannah. The latter breed is also quite large in size, because it was bred by crossing the serval and the domesticated Bengal cat (and this latter, in turn, is a descendant of the wild cat Bengal.

The US Fish and Wildlife Company, which Chris Shirk addressed, conducted an investigation with DNA samples. Have

Cat Asher
two savannas from the Shirk nursery were sampledblood and taken to the independent judicial laboratory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The laboratory DNA test confirmed that the declared cat on the Internet asher is a direct descendant of these Savannahs of Pennsylvania. The news that the new breed is just a fiction, worried the felinologists, and especially those who have already laid out for their purchases an amount equal to the cost of the new car.

Lifestyle Pets published an assurance that the casewith Shirk - exclusively private, which happened due to the fault of the unscrupulous employee of the company, and that the cat of Asher really exists as an independent synthetic breed. However, the prices for representatives of this race have fallen very much. Even for kittens of a very rare Royal variety, which do not have black and orange leopard spots on the back of the caramel, they give no more than 22 thousand dollars.

Asher cat
Whatever it was, whether it is a separate breedor especially large Savannah, but the cat of Asher also has his followers. Agree, many would like to walk on a leash through the streets of this mini leopard. Especially popular is the already mentioned Royal - because within a year in the world there are no more than four kittens, and Snow (absolutely white) species of this synthetic race. Such animals are a sign not only of luxury, but of real prestige.

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