What is the biggest cat?
A cat in a person's life has been for many yearsspecial place. Although once it was among the wild animals. The ancient man managed to tame and gain the trust of such a sweet creature. And now this cute beast brings cozy and warmth to our homes. Many people treat their pets as family members or even their children. Take care, look after, monitor the health and mood of the cat. This gives the owner and his pet great pleasure. When a cat gets good enough care, she is ready to give her owner love, devotion and affection.
In the world there is a huge amount of naturalappeared in nature and artificially created breeds of cats. For a person today, when choosing a pet, it is possible to pick up a kitten by any parameters appropriate to the individual taste. The length of the coat, height, shape of the nose and eyes - all this is important for fans of domestic furry pets. Someone does not distinguish pedigree and non-thoroughbred cats and considers any representative of the cat kind a wonderful companion of man, but there are also fastidious, sophisticated natures, whom an ordinary cat does not like. It requires a purebred, noble animal, preferably with a good pedigree. Often such people suffer a constant desire to stand out among the crowd and surprise their friends and acquaintances with something special, unusual.
Perhaps, for this purpose there are artificiallyderived breeds of cats, and among them the largest cat is Asher. This huge beautiful animal amazes us with its size (1 meter length of the trunk) and the corresponding weight, which reaches 15-20 kilograms. What are these greatest domestic cats? The name "Asher" was given not by chance. Graceful and regal cat was named pagan goddess. This breed was specially bred and was the result of crossing the genes of a domestic cat, an African serval with a leopard Asian cat.
The largest cat has a magnificent character,loves young children, unpretentious neither in nutrition, nor in care. The food is just the same as for a normal cat. You can buy a kitten of such breed in Asia, in the USA and Russia. The approximate cost is twenty-two thousand dollars. Money is not small, but a cat's miracle is worth it. Having a house of such a great pet is just happiness for those who can afford it.
Large Asher cats do not representdanger to people suffering from asthma or some kind of allergy. With the help of breeding, this problem was avoided. Such a harmless kitten will cost much more. Its price will be approximately 28 000 dollars.
The biggest cat will not only be your pride, but also a good friend. This big good-natured beast will give grateful affection and warmth to those around him.
Those who are professionally engaged in breedingcat-Asher, sell her kittens, starting at the age of twelve weeks. At the same time, there are all necessary documents on necessary vaccinations, a veterinary certificate and even a set of special attachments for claws of an animal.
Now you know what constitutes the mostbig cat. But to have such a huge and important pet in your home, unfortunately, can not afford a person with an average income. However, in ordinary, small cats and cats, to which we are accustomed, often blood flows no less noble than in the vast Asher, they are also graceful, affectionate and loyal to their masters. Therefore, if the photos of your Murka do not flash on the pages of the Internet, do not be upset: because a real friend is not measured in kilograms and meters.