/ / How to train a rat: recommendations and examples

How to Train a Rat: Recommendations and Examples

A rat is a very intelligent animal. It is able not only to perform simple commands, but also to participate in experiments, overcoming labyrinths and solving rather intricate tasks. To teach your pet such tricks, you need to understand how to train a rat, what techniques are necessary for this use and what maximum can be achieved.

how to train a rat

The first stages

Training of any animal is recommended to beginfrom the most simple. Accustoming to the name, the ability to come to the cage on tap, the habit of climbing on the shoulder by command - these are the basic knowledge that a rodent must possess before he is required to take more complex actions. It is curious that a white domestic rat learns more slowly than an animal that has a different coat color. However, this does not mean that it does not make sense to waste energy - just have to show maximum patience and spend a little more time.

white domestic rat

Learning tricks

Before the rat is trained, it is necessary to drawattention to the degree of its satiety - it should not be hungry. But there is no need to feed before the "lesson". Great, if she received food 12 hours ago. One of the simplest exercises is a stand on the hind legs. For all the simplicity of learning and doing, the trick looks pretty impressive. To a white domestic rat stood on its hind legs, you need to give her a sniff of a snack and slowly lift it from her over the muzzle. An animal, reaching for the fragrance, will be forced to rise to the back of the trunk. After the animal takes the right position, you can give a treat.

Understanding how to train a rat at homeconditions, it's easy to teach her to jump from an object to an object, perhaps even through a hoop. For example, you decided that she would ride on stools. First, let the animal explore the area where the training will take place. After that, the objects are moved slightly apart. An animal on one of them, with the help of delicacies, is forced to switch to another. There it gets a "yummy". Such actions will have to be done many times until the stools are at a sufficient distance. It is very important to fix every correct action. You can not abuse a pet, otherwise it will stop trusting you. Using a treat, you can teach the rodent a lot of interesting activities.

how to train a rat at home

Training with a clicker

Before you train a rat, you need at leastto understand her psychology a little. For example, these animals can hardly distinguish the sounds of human speech. Therefore, it is very difficult to train precisely for the commands of this pet. The animal gets confused in the words you say. Instead of them it is more rational to use sounds. For example, you can apply a clicker. Training with this device is based on the positive reinforcement of the correct actions of the pet. The application of this technique allows the animal to concentrate for a long time on the task.

Rodents find it difficult to understand speech. Therefore, it is the clicker that is ideal for those who do not yet know how to train a rat. The sound produced by the device is quite clear. The pet will quickly realize what it means to reward. During classes it is better not to talk with the animal at all, so as not to distract and not confuse it. Clicking the clicker is necessary as a praise, whereas the lack of results is simply ignored. You can not scold or punish rats.

how to train a rat for beginners


Tips for training will be useful even for those who already know how to train a rat. For beginners, this is very important information, without which all of their activities can be meaningless:

  • The lesson should not take much time. 15-25 minutes - maximum, during which the rat is able to concentrate.
  • Do not skimp on affection and praise - it will allow the animal to feel more confident.
  • In order for a rat not to be afraid of a voice, she should talk a lot and often - but not during the lesson.
  • If there are several animals, everyone should be given the same amount of time.
  • Training is better combined with games, then the animal will be less tired.
  • Training without treats will be ineffective. As a praise, you can use chopped nuts, bits of vegetables, fruits or meat products. Pieces must be very small, so that the animal does not eat up, but understands that this is an encouragement.

When learning it is important to observe the principle of "from simple - to complex". Only this approach will yield the desired result.

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