/ / Calculation of labor productivity and ways to improve it

Calculation of labor productivity and ways to improve it

Everyone, perhaps, sooner or later understands thattime is a resource limited, so spending it in vain is an unacceptable luxury. It's the same with companies. In order to achieve success and stay afloat, they simply need to strive for high performance indicators, and, therefore, constantly calculate the productivity of labor and seek means to increase it. To do this, it is necessary first of all to analyze the annual, day and hour output of one employee, as well as the labor intensity of a unit of output. Then analysts examine the factors of labor productivity and make their conclusion about how the situation in the enterprise can be improved.

calculation of labor productivity
The employee's output is defined as the volumeproduced goods, services rendered, works performed for a certain period of time. In order to calculate it, it is necessary to divide the company's revenue for the given period into the average number of employees. Another indicator, without which the calculation of labor productivity is impossible, is the labor intensity of a unit of output. It is the amount of time it takes to produce a unit of an item. Calculate the amount of labor can be divided by revenue for the total cost of working time for production. The calculation of labor productivity can be carried out both in the whole for the enterprise and for the individual workplace. It should be noted that different types of activities can only be characterized by labor intensity. For example, it is hardly advisable to evaluate the work of tuners of equipment with the help of output, their labor productivity is analyzed due to the index of labor intensity, that is, the time they spend on troubleshooting. When the calculation of labor productivity in the past period is over, it is worthwhile to think about some more points. For example, how to make the enterprise more efficient, reduce labor intensity and increase production.

labor productivity factors
The forecast calculation of labor productivity is based on the following indicators:

  • The planned percentage growth in output per person, as well as a reduction in the labor intensity of any of the products produced.
  • Relative (conditional) and absolute (real) savings in the number of employees.
  • The share of the increase in output.

factors of increasing labor productivity
Factors to increase labor productivity include:

  • The replacement of labor with capital, that is, the technical re-equipment of all production and the introduction of the latest achievements of technology in order to increase its effectiveness.
  • Intensification of work. The enterprise should implement administrative measures aimed at accelerating the performance of individual production tasks.
  • Improving the organization of labor, eliminating production losses and searching for optimal methods for managing production processes.

With these factors, the enterprise can increase the rate of profit and reduce the share of labor costs in the cost of the product.

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