/ / Privilee organization of office move

Privile organization of office move

Moscow continues to build successfully: on its outskirts, in the center and former industrial zones as mushrooms grow skyscrapers with new office areas. There is a fairly strong migration of companies from old leased offices to more modern and comfortable buildings for work. And not only the new building is the main reason. Many companies simply expand their staff, which means they will need an "open access" to organize their work. All these factors cause a great demand for transport services. Nowadays order an office move in Moscow it's quite simple. There are many competing firms on the market, each of which fights for the customer with the help of price reduction or the provision of additional services. But in any case, the main criterion in choosing such a company is experience and professionalism, even in such an uncomplicated business as cargo transportation.

Better than any words about the quality of the company's worksay many years of work in the market of your region, the presence of positive feedback from customers, the staff of professional employees, corporate uniforms and much more, which shows a responsible approach to the case.

A modern transport company defeats competitors by a large list of services provided. This is not just the delivery of goods, it's also assembly of office furniture, choosing the optimal route for saving time, preparing access roads, temporary storage, installation of equipment

Managers and staff of transport companiesare excellent organizers. They will tell you that a comfortable transfer is possible only if the furniture, documents and office equipment are delivered separately from each other. To these three groups of things, there are different requirements for transportation.

Office office equipment is always rightpack, and when loading into the machine securely secure. Observing the rules, you can be sure that during the trip important parts will not be lost: wires, software, drives with drivers. Without them, it will be difficult in the new office to quickly deploy the workflow, and this will create losses for the company.

There are less or more responsible carriers. Of course, you can blame the uncovered boxes for uncovered boxes on road pits. But a company that values ​​its reputation necessarily concludes a contract, where all possible situations are prescribed. In this case, it is responsible if during the transportation there was damage to the office equipment.

A competent carrier not only delivers the goods to theentrance or entrance to the building, he plans the entire process from the order of the service to the assembly of things on the spot. A representative of the company should study the route, the place of arrival of the cargo and plan all the details a few days before the client's request. Special respect is caused by firms where the manager accompanies the cargo and monitors the work of its personnel. Each item, packed in a box, receives a special marking, which greatly simplifies the work, when you want to distribute things on separate premises. Marked items are entered in the inventory list, the list of which is necessarily consistent with the customer. Sometimes an approximate estimated value is put opposite to things.

A prudent transport company alwayshas in its arsenal a stock of packing material and special devices that help loaders to haul heavy things. The presence of packaging is especially important if non-standard furniture is transported. As a rule, it is difficult to find the usual boxes for it and it is necessary to pack it in a special film and wrap it around with adhesive tape.

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