/ / Electrosila plant in St. Petersburg: address, products. OJSC Power Machines

Plant "Electrosila" in St. Petersburg: address, products. OJSC Power Machines

Plant Electrosila (St. Petersburg) - a largemachine-building enterprise. He was and remains one of the world leaders in the production of equipment for hydroelectric power plants, nuclear and thermal power plants. The plant supplies to Europe, Africa, and Asia. The whole geography of cooperation counts 87 countries of the world.

plant electrosil

To date, nuclear power plants in the territory of the CIS are equipped with generators of this enterprise. Also the equipment is mounted on 70% of hydraulic and 60% of heat stations.

History of creation

The first factory, engaged in the production of electricmachines for industrial enterprises, was named "Siemens-Shukkert." It was founded in 1853. In fact, it was a branch of a German company opened on Vasilievsky Island in response to large orders from the Russian government. In 1898 the factory became a part of the Russian joint-stock company "Siemens and Galske", and from this moment the history of the enterprise is counted.

After the nationalization

After the revolution, the enterprise wasnationalized. Its real name was Electrosila Plant in 1922. During this period, the company's specialists took part in the development and implementation of the state electrification plan for Russia (GOELRO). Design Bureau was designed the first in the history of the country's electric generators. They were delivered to the Volkhov HPP, Gomel and Omsk TPPs.

oao power machines

In the thirties, the Elektrosila plant representeda well-developed industrial structure with advanced engineering technologies. At the production facilities, new types of machines and demanded structures were designed and manufactured. The company supplied products to domestic and foreign markets, exported technology, shared experience.

Specialists of this enterprise in the early thirtiesyears have created a unique hydrogenerator with a capacity of 62 MW, which breathed life into DnieproGES, and the plant made it the industry leader. In 1937, a turbine-type generator with a capacity of 100 MW was designed and built by the staff. At that time it was a world-class technological breakthrough.


Postwar time posed new challenges,there were projects of using atomic energy for peaceful purposes. The Electrosila plant took an active part in the development of the technological part of future nuclear power plants. The design bureau was created at the enterprise, the main tasks of which was the design of electromagnetic converters.

plant electrosil St. Petersburg

In the period of 60-70-s the factory equippedgenerators with a capacity of 500 MW Krasnoyarsk HPP, and for the Sayano-Shushenskaya station machines were created in 640 MW. In 1980, the employees of the enterprise were supplied with another professional record, and a technological breakthrough was made. The company has created the world's largest high-speed turbo-generator, whose capacity is 1200 MW. The place of his work was Kostromskaya GRES.

One of the greatest achievementsthe plant "Electrosila" was proud of, the design and manufacture of explosion-proof turbine generators for nuclear power plants became. Such machines have no analogues in the world engineering market. In addition to providing power plants, the company produces electric cars in demand in shipbuilding, chemical, mining, and metallurgy. Most enterprises use products with the stamp of the Electrosila plant.

As part of the concern

In 1996, the company Elektrosila becamejoint-stock company, and having completed the procedure for changing the form of ownership in 2000, it became part of the concern of OJSC Power Machines. Companies that worked in engineering, aimed at producing equipment for generating electricity, heat, etc. joined the association. The concentration of one branch of engineering under a single jurisdiction increases the country's chances of successful competition in the globalizing economic process.

power machines

It is believed that by 2020, the world'selectricity will increase to 22 trillion kWh, and only those enterprises that will be able to provide the customer with a full range of services will be able to successfully operate in this production segment. Such an opportunity is available only to large enterprises that meet the toughened world standards.

In the structure of OJSC "Power Machines" the enterpriseElectrosila is engaged in the production of equipment for Russian cascade projects at Bureyskiye HPPs, Boguchanskaya HPP, Indian TPPs (Sipat, Varkh), Mexican HPP El Kahon and many others.

Products of OJSC "Power Machines"

The Electrosila plant is involved in the production processes of all projects of the concern. The merger of Power Machines produces a range of products in the following areas:

  • Nuclear power. On the basis of the plant "Electrosila" steam turbines, turbine islands, drive turbines, turbogenerators, control and automation systems are produced.
  • Thermal power engineering. Boiler and turbine islands are produced, equipment for boiler houses, excitation systems, steam generators, starting devices, turbogenerators.
  • Hydropower engineering. Hydro turbines, hydrogenerators, excitation systems, pre-turbine gates, launch systems, etc. are produced.

vladimir nikolayevich ryabchenya

  • Industrial, transport equipment. The output of AC generators, complete devices for alternating and direct current electric generators, electric drives of AC and DC devices, traction electric drives, electric motors, synchronous generators and steam turbines for the needs of the shipbuilding industry is established.
  • Electric grid production. The company produces transformer complexes, and also deals with their design and installation.

Social sphere

The enterprise pays much attention tosocial security of personnel, labor safety and ensuring a decent level of wages. There are social facilities on the territory of the plant, such as dining rooms, medical centers, libraries, etc. Each employee can count on preferential purchase of sanatorium vouchers, as well as preferences when purchasing permits for houses and recreation centers, children's camps. The corporation provides all specialists with working conditions in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Annually for the employees of the enterprise, workwhich is associated with increased health risks, medical examinations are conducted on the basis of medical institutions. The company issues a corporate edition of "Megawatt", which reflects the latest news of the concern, highlights the events within the team, also operates corporate television, Internet sites, regularly conducted radio broadcasts.


Director of the company Elektrosila - RabchenyaVladimir Nikolayevich. He received a profile education at the Mogilev Machine-Building Institute, after which he was sent to the plant for distribution. He began his career as a master.

plant electrosilcing address

Received a second higher education in LeningradEngineering and Economics Institute, where he mastered the economic aspects of the engineering industry. In 1997 he deservedly received the post of director for the production of the plant "Elecrosila", and in 2011 became the director of the enterprise.


Plant "Elecrosila" is one of sixworld leaders in the construction of hydroelectric generators. He successfully competes with Hitachi, General Electric, Alsthom, Siemens, ABB. Where is the plant "Electrosila"? The address of the company: St. Petersburg, Moskovsky prospect, building 139.

After pouring the plant into the concern "Power Machines"part of its territory (7.2 hectares) on the odd side of Moscow Avenue was given for building. The beginning of construction is planned for 2017. At this stage, the production capacity is withdrawn from the zone.

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