/ / Nomenclature of products is ... Features of concept

The nomenclature of production is ... Features of concept

The range of products is, in simple words, List of names (types) of products created in different national economic branches. Its development is of particular practical importance. Let's consider further, what can be list of products.

product range is


The product range is one of the most important categories used in production. The list of kinds (names) of products is developed:

  1. For planning the structure, rates, proportions of development of national economic branches.
  2. Forecasting the volume of goods produced in value, in kind.
  3. Formation of material balances.
  4. Drawing up plans for the distribution of goods.
  5. Establish relations and formalize contracts between companies that manufacture products and their customers.
  6. Definitions of production capacity.
    assortment structure


In practice, the deployed nomenclature. Example: "Cars - 10 thousand pieces." In this case, a specific number of cargo, passenger cars is not indicated. Enlarged The product range is list approved in the framework of promisingplans. It is specified in the current programs, depending on the structural economic links. At the state level, the enlarged nomenclature of the most important types of products is being formed. When developing programs within the framework of departmental and ministerial cooperation, it is specified in accordance with the economic segment. The products manufactured by the enterprise must satisfy the demand of customers. In this regard, the formation of the lists takes into account the needs of potential customers. For this, the analysis of the market situation is carried out, assortment structure competitors. Based on the results obtained, our own production is improved.

nomenclature example

Assortment structure

In the activity of production associationsExtended lists of goods of a certain name with special technical and economic characteristics are used. The latter include, in particular, power, capacity, dimensions, quality, etc. The assortment is characterized by depth, breadth, level of renovation, completeness. The latter is determined by the ratio of the actual number of product types to the volume specified in the specification or price list. Depth assortment - the number of positions for each type of product. The update level shows the share of new products in the total volume put up for sale. The structure of the assortment is characterized by the specific weight of groups, subgroups, types, subtypes of goods in the amount of turnover.

list of products

Specificity of formation

The product range is the whole complex of manufactured products. It includes different types of goods. They are divided into types (assortment groups) depending on the functional features, cost, quality. In each of them, positions (brands, varieties) are singled out. They form the lowest level of classification. Before drawing up the assortment, the company develops the concept. Directional construction of the proposal is carried out in it. As a basis, consumer requests from specific market segments are made. At the same time, the assortment concept should ensure the maximum effective use by the firm of its raw, financial, technological and other resources to minimize production costs.


Management presupposes coordination. Interrelated areas: Design, scientific-technical, research, organizational, service, advertising, etc. management problem is the complexity of combining elements to accomplish the main goal - to optimize the nomenclature in accordance with the objectives of the enterprise market. If it is not solved, then the list of manufactured goods will include products that are more convenient for the company's units than for customers. Assortment policy is considered one of the key elements of the company's strategy. Questions concerning the narrowing / expansion of the list of manufactured / sold products may have different solutions. This is affected by a whole range of factors. Among them are the industry features, the size of the company, the specificity of the commodity group, etc.

products manufactured by the company


The art of proper assortmentis the ability to realize already existing or potential material and technical capabilities in goods that, while making profit to the manufacturer, have a certain consumer value that satisfies the buyer. Simply put, the manufacturer does not just create products. It also forms a client base, satisfies the specific interests of customers. Planning is a continuous process. It lasts throughout the product life cycle. The company can not endlessly deliver the same products to the market.


An indispensable condition for the survival of an enterprise on the market is permanent innovation in the production of products. The main types of strategies include the development of goods:

  1. Fundamentally different from the products of competitors.
  2. With improved performance.
  3. New type using previously produced products due to their modernization, equipping with additional devices and options.

Another way to upgrade is to reduce the release or withdrawal from production of goods that are not in demand.

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