Russian management model and some others
In modern economic, social andpolitical conditions there is an acute problem in the need to establish a Russian management model. The Russian model of management should correspond to modern market conditions and be able to quickly adapt to crisis situations.
The formation of management is provided bya significant influence of some factors. The factor of education has a direct impact on the professional work of the head. It is very difficult for a modern manager, a manager, to dispense with extensive versatile knowledge, because management is an art that is based on the application and implementation of scientific knowledge.
The state, in particular the Russian modelstate national management, also exerts its influence on national management models. The Russian state management model, depending on the subject, can be divided into four levels: the economy, the enterprise, the unit and the citizen. All these levels are closely intertwined, but the state influences the management model of enterprises and companies. The role of the state still lies in the fact that it sets standards in the management of working people. However, there are no such clear requirements to the leaders yet. As a result, an incompetent and illiterate manager can significantly impair the life and working conditions of ordinary workers.
The Russian model of management is formed alsounder the influence of mentality. Without a doubt, the national mentality has a significant influence on the development of the governance model. But if there is a strong tendency on the part of managers and managers to have a strong authoritarian style of management, then from the ordinary workers there is a lack of initiative and a lack of interest in the work being done.
Speaking of what, under the influence of what factorsthe Russian model of management is formed, it is impossible not to recall the media. The media has a very strong impact on the consciousness of society, including the consciousness of managers. The media perform educational function, educational function, and also reflect the real reality. In the process of forming national management, the experience of foreign states should also be used. Particular attention should be paid to the American, European and Japanese models. These types of management models have some significant differences among themselves, based mainly on values and national principles.
The American model is characterized, beforein all, a rigid organization of the management process. The personal responsibility of each employee is the distinguishing feature of the American model. The European model is not fundamentally different from the American model. In Europe, as well as in the United States, medium and small enterprises play an important role in the whole economy. One of the significant differences of the European model is the fact that in Europe, subsidiaries, even entering into the largest corporations, retain a significant share of independence. Self-sufficiency can manifest itself in the financial sphere and in the sphere of innovations.
The Japanese model has its own distinctive features. First of all, this is manifested in the fact that the Japanese choose a position for a particular person, and not vice versa. Also characteristic feature of the Japanese management is that significant importance is given to technological innovations and innovations. No matter how the Russian model of management becomes, in any case, it still has a long and difficult path of development, depending on many factors and conditions.