/ / JSC "Ural Heavy Machine Building Plant": description, production and feedback of employees

OJSC "Ural Heavy Machine Building Plant": description, production and feedback of employees

Open Joint Stock Company "Ural Plantheavy engineering "located in Yekaterinburg, right in the heart of Russia.The construction of the plant was complex.They built an enterprise, residential quarters for employees and the infrastructure of the town for a full life of people and production complex.This was one of the grandiose plans successfully implemented in reality.The archives of the factory museum and the exhibition halls tell about the history of the company's creation, development, modern life and prospects, plans for the future of Uralmash. "With these plans, the entire region is inextricably linked n, because the plant is the driving force in development, one of the flagships of the country's economy.

Ural Heavy Machinery Plant

In the depths of the Ural mountains

The idea of ​​creating a powerful plant in the Urals has becomeobvious soon after the revolution of 17, when the Soviet authorities realized the need for industrialization of the country. To reflect world threats, we need a powerful rich power. The Ural and Siberian regions, the richest in their resources, could give an impetus to industrial evolution. After all, where there is now Ekaterinburg, there were dense forests. Now it is a large industrial center, the fourth most important city in Russia. From scratch, factory workshops, a power plant, industrial and urban infrastructure - all that make up the Ural Heavy Machinery Plant (Uralmash) - have been built tremendously. "Uralmashzavod" is one of the examples of an integrated approach to the solution of construction and provision of vital activity of a large production enterprise. It is interesting that the government laid down the foundation of the first steelwork shop by the ninth anniversary of the restoration of Bolshevik power in the Urals. It was on this day, July 15, 1919, that Yekaterinburg repelled Kolchak, and nine years later laid the first stone of the future giant industry of the USSR.

oao Ural Heavy Machinery Plant

Father of plants

The Urals Heavy Machinery Plant was introduced inoperation in 1933, and the development of the first drawings of the giant was made in 1928. The design was carried out by specialists from the Leningrad Institute of Metalwork Design. The proposed solution took into account the experience of Western countries in heavy engineering. To improve the skills of workers and technical personnel, the project provided for a training base, and for compact and comfortable living - a residential complex, centered around the factory zone.

With the light hand of Maxim Gorky, the Urals plantHeavy engineering was called the "father of factories." Indeed, with the launch of the enterprise, other branches of the national economy were able to develop, and heavy engineering constituted a significant revenue part in the country's economy.

Ural Heavy Machinery Plant Uralmash Urazmashzavod


Equipment production capacity wasdelivered by the world's leading giants, at that time it was the best that the world could provide. Leading German and American companies took part in the deliveries. In this regard, the company urgently needed highly skilled workers, engineers, qualified technical workers. This circumstance facilitated the emergence of the educational base of the enterprise, raising the level of education throughout the region.

The enterprise started production in 1933equipment for the steelmaking and rolling industry, mining equipment, produced heavy hydraulic presses and others. On equipment produced by the Ural industrial giant, almost all drilling rigs of the Russian Federation, pipe-rolling and steel mills operate, and numerous contracts have been signed for the supply of high-quality equipment to Western countries. Gradually, the company acquired capacities that enabled it to become a pioneer in the industry and to reach the present day with the name of OAO Ural Heavy Machinery Plant. Ekaterinburg became one of the centers of industry in the middle Urals.

oao Ural Heavy Machinery Plant Yekaterinburg

Historical digression

Since the launch of the Urals Heavy Plantmachine building produced and supplied equipment for the production complex of the USSR, this continued until 1941. During the war years of the Second World Uralmash, at a rapid pace, in just three months, it was redesigned for the production of tank weapons.

Restoration of industry after the wardemanded new machinery and equipment, at Uralmash in 1947 the first mining excavator was launched with a bucket capacity of three to five cubic meters. At the end of the forties, the production of walking excavators was established, at the beginning of the fifties the enterprise produced the first in the country tube mill intended for seamless hot-rolling pipes.

open joint-stock company Ural Heavy Machinery Plant

Critical 90s

In the early seventies of the 20th century, Uralmash,plant of heavy engineering, united under its name production and intellectual capacity. The association included five profile enterprises and the Tyazhmash Research Institute. The tandem existed until 1992, during the period of restructuring the enterprises were transformed into independent economic units. This is a difficult period in the life of the enterprise: the shop was empty, there were no orders. The state, having lost its priorities, almost ruined the branch enterprise. But in 1996 "Uralmash" entered the company "United Machine-Building Plants", this step saved production. Since 2015 the enterprise is managed by ZAO Gazprombank.

uralmash heavy engineering plant

Main activities

OAO "Ural Heavy Machinery Plant" produces products in several directions and provides a number of non-core services.

Production directions:

  • Mining equipment. Includes lines for the production of excavating machinery, crushing and grinding equipment and equipment for the cement industry.
  • Metallurgical equipment. This is one of the largest activities of the enterprise. "Uralmash" produces modern firing, blast-furnace, agglomeration and forging and pressing equipment; machines for continuous casting, rolls for hot and cold rolling mills, as well as tooling and tools.
  • Hoisting-and-conveying equipment. In this direction, powerful cranes for metallurgical plants, bridge cranes for nuclear power plants, general purpose cranes and specialized models are produced.

Plant "Uralmash" in Yekaterinburg gives an opportunityall interested persons to purchase a tool and additional equipment of production sites at any convenient time from the warehouse of finished products. If you want to manufacture equipment on an individual order, highly qualified engineers of the enterprise will do this masterly, relying on the treasure of knowledge of the plant and many years of experience.

uralmash plant in Yekaterinburg

Valuable asset of Uralmash

The basis of any enterprise is people whowork. Robotic, mechanized lines can not completely exclude human participation in production processes. For successful work for all levels of staff created comfortable conditions. This tradition was laid down from the time the factory was built, when blocks of dwelling houses, kindergartens, schools, specialized educational institutions began to grow simultaneously with the walls of the workshops, and the infrastructure of the housing estate was organized.

In general, employees speak about the companypositively. The level of wages is decent, in some shops a highly skilled worker receives a salary higher than the engineering staff. A bonus system is provided, overtime hours are taken into account and paid. The working and safety conditions in a large enterprise are met within the framework of the requirements of the Labor Code. Of the negative, the arbitrariness of middle management is often mentioned, but these are more particular cases, which in any large enterprise are many.


According to the area of ​​sotsgorodok district "Uralmash" takes105 square kilometers. In the city there are two subway stations, which indicates the importance of the place and the comfort of residents. To equip the residential area began in 1927, but then the first dwelling were dugouts. In their place quickly built wooden barracks, and later full-fledged residential buildings. The architecture of the city is interesting because it clearly shows the direction of constructivism. To this era belongs one of the attractions - a white water tower. At the time of construction (in the early 30's of the 20th century) it was the largest in the world. Completely made of reinforced concrete. Now it is not operated and looks more like a monument to its era. In the town there are parks, a sports complex with a stadium, places for leisure and entertainment, educational institutions.

Ural Heavy Machinery Plant


"Uralmash" (a heavy engineering plant), as well asmost of the enterprises in Russia, experienced both ups and downs, but its importance for the state has never been diminished. Even in the difficult 90-ies the plant managed to survive, and now it gets new prospects for development. Since the transition of the enterprise to the management of ZAO Gazprombank, investments have been made in production. So in 2015, an extensive modernization of production facilities began. Contracts have been signed for work with India, China, Kazakhstan, Italy and other countries.

Representations and plans

The management of the enterprise in order to optimize the workIt was decided to open a representative office of the plant in India, where a large number of prospective orders come from. The volume of production in 2015 was doubled. In 2016, the enterprise entered into with plans and ready-made contracts for the manufacture and supply of equipment.

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