/ / UAZ-315196: design features and characteristics

UAZ-315196: design features and characteristics

Since 1972, the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant has been producingoff-road cars UAZ-469 in various variants of a complete set. In 1985, the machine was upgraded and remained on the conveyor belt under the designation UAZ-3151. The cars were supplied to the Soviet army, widely used in the armies of the socialist bloc countries. Part of the off-road vehicles came for the needs of the national economy, where it was used by the police and the village.

Jubilee SUV

In 2003, in the production program of the plantthere is a modernized car with increased cross-country capacity of UAZ "Hunter". The production of the old 3151 model is collapsing. But to the 65th anniversary of the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War, the plant decides to issue a special anniversary version of the car. The car received the designation UAZ-315196 and was assembled in a limited lot of 5,000 copies.

UAZ 315196

Features of the complete set

The design of the machine was not very different fromother cars of the Ulyanovsk plant. At the heart of the car was a frame, on which the transmission units and the body were mounted. To facilitate the driver's working conditions, the UAZ-315196 was equipped with a hydraulic power steering.

The car body was equipped with a hard top and was designed to carry 6 people and a driver. At maximum loading, two passengers were located at the rear of the car on folding seats.

Transmission of the car

Rear dependent suspension was installed onconventional leaf springs. The design of the front dependent suspension used springs. To improve controllability in the design of the front suspension there was a stabilizer.

UAZ 315196 specifications

High off-road and technical characteristicsUAZ-315196 was provided with a petrol four-cylinder engine ZMZ 4091-10 with a system of distributed injection. With a working volume of 2.7 liters, the motor developed power to 112 liters. from. At the same time, the engine had a low compression ratio, which allowed the use of A-92 gasoline as fuel.

The engine was equipped with two types of boxesspeed - four-speed own design and five-speed, development firm Dymos. Both boxes were fully synchronized. On the boxes there was a place to install a power take-off shaft for driving various additional units and assemblies.

The transfer of the moment to the leading bridges was carried outtwo-speed transfer case with a downshift. Bridges are identical in design, split type. In the brake system of the UAZ-315196, drum mechanisms were used at the rear and more modern discs in front.

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