/ / Will the Vityaz all-terrain vehicle overcome bureaucratic obstacles?

Will the Vityaz all-terrain vehicle overcome bureaucratic obstacles?

ATV "Vityaz" began to plow the open spacessnow-covered tundra and conquer the impenetrable landscapes of the Kola Peninsula in the seventieth year of the last century. Its creators are Soviet military engineers who used the idea of ​​the captain of the royal army Zagryazhsky. She was ripe with him a hundred and fifty years ago. In his name, a patent for the invention of a "cart on a metal caterpillar intended for off-road driving" was registered. As it followed from the description, its wheels under their own laid the road on which they rolled.

The Vityaz off-road vehicle

The combination of the old idea and the development of modernscientists resulted in the result of an unusual military vehicle - the Vityaz all-terrain vehicle. He can swim at a speed of four kilometers per hour, drive a vertical barrier two meters high, move through four-meter ditches and ravines. The equipment was intended, first of all, for operation in the regions of the Far North, Siberia and the Far Eastern regions. There is a lot of snow, around the marsh and the terrain, intersected by mountain landscapes, and the temperature boundaries in winter reach up to -50 0With, and in the summer - up to + 40 0C. Previously, these were the most vulnerable places where it was most difficult to ensure the country's defense capability.

 Vityaz all-terrain vehicle
The creators proudly declared that the "Knight"- All-terrain vehicle, which by passability is second only to the helicopter. At the same time, he can protect himself from all sides, including from an air attack. Its weight in full combat equipment reaches twenty-eight tons with a payload of thirty tons. The calculation includes an engine with a power of more than seven hundred horsepower. Capacities for fuel reserves are calculated for at least five hundred kilometers of road off-road at speeds reaching forty kilometers per hour.

The Vityaz off-road vehicle consists of two trailedcompositions. Its engine compartment, heating, ventilation, cabin, in which there are five places for the crew, are in the avant-garde part of the car. For the cargo compartment there are various options for use - from the transportation of goods and equipment to the installation of antiaircraft guns. It is remarkable that, having provided both parts of the vehicle with the opportunity to have their own turn, the developers got an amazing opportunity to strengthen the grip of equipment with the ground while driving along the longitudinally vertical landscape of the mountainous terrain.

Cross-country vehicles "Vityaz"
Today ATVs are not purelymilitary equipment, because they export from the hard-to-reach arrays the harvested forest, provide rescue assistance during floods in flooded areas and serve as an indispensable mode of transport in areas where particularly difficult climatic conditions remain for most of the year.

Today only old machines are operated,New developments are not being conducted, production is at a decreasing level. In this regard, the engineers are very sorry that, knowing how to overcome any enemy and protect themselves from the enemy on the ground, in water and in the air, the Vityaz all-terrain vehicle can not overcome a single obstacle - bureaucratic. There is an opinion that it is not a priority for further development, improvement of qualities and equipping with new technical capabilities. Therefore, there is no financing for such developments.

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