Car DV DVR Recorder is your reliable protector in any situation
In the current situation on the roads, manydrivers consider the DVR as far from being a luxury, but as a matter of first necessity. This unique technique allows finding the culprits or proving their innocence in this or that situation. The modern range of car DVRs is quite wide, but some models, for example HD DVR, deservedly enjoy increased popularity among car owners.
Every day on the roads there is more and morecars, and, accordingly, the number of accidents is growing. Every road user risks at any time to be in an unpleasant situation, and if it happens, then, as a rule, no one wants to act as the culprit. In such cases, the DVR is simply irreplaceable, because it is a video recording that will help to find out who was wrong and how things really were. It's no secret that among the DPS employees quite often there are people who abuse their official position and are engaged in extortion. Stop them
Necessary functions
When choosing a DVR, it is necessary to drawattention to the range of its functions. For example, is there a night shooting function and cyclical recording in this model, what is the resolution of the camera and much more. By the way, DVR HD DVR boasts a full range of functions that guarantee trouble-free and high-quality operation. It has a small mass, compact dimensions and a robust casing. The wide-angle camera Car DVR works in automatic mode and has a permanent recording function, so the driver will not have to be distracted while driving, and also worry about that important video frames will not be recorded. The camera lens works in the extended sector, completely controlling the space ahead of the car, including road markings, license plates and traffic signs, traffic lights, etc. In addition, the HD DVR car DVR recorder is equipped with a built-in speaker and microphone, which allows you to receive a full-blown video recording. Among other important parameters of this device is a qualitative color 2.5-inch display with a 270-degree turn, motion and sound sensors, a vibration-free recording function, a night recording function, the possibility of continuous shooting, and cyclic recording. Power DVR DVR provides an on-board network or built-in backup battery for 500 mAh.