/ / How to clean the throttle yourself

How to clean the throttle yourself

A contaminated throttle can becomecause of malfunction of the engine, provoking a significant drop in power and a deterioration in the dynamics of the acceleration of the car. Over time, this element has a tendency to become dirty, so to avoid such problems with the machine, you need to know how to properly clean the throttle. Today we will look at how you can do this with your own hands.

What is this part for?

To begin with, give a few words to the purpose of the throttle and its role in the engine and the car as a whole. The main function of this element is to supply air to the collector.

how to clean the throttle
In operation, its valve is infully open position. After the air is mixed with fuel, a fuel-air mixture is formed. Further, it enters the combustion chamber of the engine. Thus, the concentration and proportionality of the air content in a given mixture directly affects the performance of the motor, as well as its power and traction characteristics. When the engine stops working, the valve closes and the air supply stops. But not always the valve closes when the engine is muffled. This also happens with the engine running. All that is needed is to simply release the gas pedal. By the way, when the engine is muffled, when we press the accelerator, we also open the valve. It works silently, but if you release the pedal sharply, you will hear a characteristic click from under the hood - this will be the sound of the throttle closing. And the pedal is connected to this element using a mechanical drive. This is how most modern dampers are arranged.

What signs indicate a clogged shutter?

Firstly, this can be signaled by frequentproblems with starting the engine. Secondly, the blocked shutter sometimes provokes jerks during the movement, especially at the start. Also noticeably worse is the engine's idling speed (the revolutions begin to "swim" on their own). Well, in the third place, this is a noticeable deterioration in the dynamics of the auto acceleration.


However, to say that all the above signs indicate a malfunction of the damper, it is impossible.

how to clean the throttle yourself
There are many other factors. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to check the condition of the candles, the fuel filter (which also has the property of clogging with time) and the throttle position sensor. If all these elements are in good order, most likely, the flap does require cleaning.

Why is this happening?

A mixture of oil and air, as well as variousmicroparticles of road dust passing through the air filter can gradually cover the surface of the parts and subassemblies of the engine compartment, resulting in a severe throttle valve. This does not happen often, but it is necessary to clean this part at least once a year. Otherwise, the incorrect operation of the motor will be unavoidable.

Cleaning Options

Before I tell you about all the stagescleaning, we note that the throttle can be treated with any solvent, both superficially and completely. Among such tools, you can distinguish gasoline, white alcohol and WD 40. But compared with specialized substances designed specifically for cleaning the dampers, they are less effective, and therefore suitable only for external processing. This is used only if the parts are not strongly entrained particles of dust and dirt. In more advanced cases, it is best to use a full cleaning. It is the most effective and effective.

How do I clean the throttle yourself? Preparation of tools

Before proceeding with this operation, it is necessary to prepare the following set of tools and materials:

  • Allen key for 13.
  • Throttle washer (these are usually sold in car stores), similar to Abro.
  • A set of minus and cross screwdrivers.
  • A pair of rubber medical gloves. They will protect your skin from possible drops of cleaner. For complete safety, of course, you can wear protective goggles, but this is not necessary.
    how to clean throttle assembly

If you have the whole set, you can start work safely.

How do I clean the throttle assembly with my own hands?

First you need to find a place wherethis part is located. And there is a throttle заслонка before an inlet collector. So, first remove the decorative plastic engine cover (if it is provided by the design of your car). Next, unscrew the plug of the expansion tank. So we will lower the pressure level in the car cooling system. Then remove the air hose ventilation hose. The last element should be carefully inspected for oil marks. If they are present there, then a thin ventilation duct is clogged in the throttling assembly.

Now, in fact, about how to cleanthrottle. Next, take a Phillips screwdriver and loosen the two clamps. Then we dismantle the damper heating hose (can be damped with car spark plugs). After we take out the hose of the fuel tank ventilation system (we unscrew another clamp with a screwdriver). Now it remains to remove the cable and two nuts of the throttle assembly.

how to clean the priority throttle

Half of the work we have already done, you can proceedto the most important step - cleaning the valve parts from dirt and other deposits. To do this, we take the purchased cleaner and wash out the damper and all its channels. Also pay attention to the forced ventilation channel. It is this node that is most coked (sometimes it takes a steel spoke or a long needle to clean it). The throttle sensor also takes over the dust, so it is also extracted and cleaned of the deposits.

Further we unscrew two bolts of fastening of a regulator of idling of the car. And then РХХ is taken out.

how to properly clean the throttle
How do I clean the throttle after this? Now you should flush the channel in the body of the unit. By the way, if the idle regulator has not changed more than 100 thousand kilometers, it is better to install a new one in its place. Also, if necessary, the PXX rod changes (but only if it has a large clearance or is coked to such an extent that it can not be completely cleaned). Pay attention to the throttle assembly. It is recommended to replace it immediately when cleaning the damper. Everything, at this stage, the question "how to clean the throttle sensor and the component assembly" can be considered closed. After that, you need to collect all the parts in the reverse order and check the result. As a result, the engine should get a "second wind". After cleaning the damper, it will start to operate normally, without jerking and falling power.


So, we figured out how to clean the throttledamper. "Priora" (VAZ-2170) and many other cars are being repaired precisely on this principle. Therefore, this instruction can be used absolutely for any SUV or car.

how to clean the throttle sensor
As you can see, cleanse yourself from dirt anddust damper can be done on its own. The main thing is to choose a really high-quality cleaner and not to forget about security measures when working with such tools.

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