/ / Adnexitis (occipital appendages): symptoms, causes and treatment

Adnexitis (chilled appendages): symptoms, causes and treatment

The female appendages include the ovaries (left andright) and fallopian tubes. According to medical data, the most common disease is adnexitis. The inflammatory process can be one-sided and two-sided, its provocateur is most often viruses and harmful microorganisms. A mass of unpleasant phenomena is delivered by the glandular appendages.

chilled appendages symptoms

Symptoms can be hidden or manifested throughspecific time. Often a woman has pain in the abdomen and in the lower back. According to the doctors, in 60% of cases adnexitis causes chlamydia and gonococci. Also, often the culprits of inflammation are mycobacterium tuberculosis, herpes and E. coli. Less often the disease is caused by infections, which are transmitted exclusively through sexual intercourse (Trichomonas and ureaplasma).

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identifythe true cause of adnexitis. To run in any case it is impossible zastuzhennye appendages. Symptoms of ovarian inflammation are manifested by unbearable pains that occur during sexual contact, menstrual cycle, or physical stress. Unpleasant feelings are often given to the sacrum and perineum.

Has chilled appendages than to treat

Causes and signs of cold appendages

- Frequent intra-vaginal douches disrupt the microflora and acidity of the vagina, thereby giving "green light" to pathogens.

- Use of an intrauterine device increases the risk of inflammation.

- Sexual relationships during the menstrual cycle contribute to the penetration of microbes into the appendages and fallopian tubes.

- Postoperative surgical interventions or inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs.

- Unintelligibility in intimate relationships and unprotected sex with a large number of men increase the likelihood of adnexitis.

- After the abortion, women complain of the festering appendages.

Symptoms manifest as a general malaise,weakness, fever, tingling in the pelvic area. Menstruation becomes painful and plentiful. Their cycle and duration are violated. With inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovaries, purulent discharge may occur.

signs of cold appendages

With acute adnexitis, dizziness appears,chills, constipation, vomiting and nausea. The clinical picture increases with physical activity, overstrain, hypothermia and during sex. If untimely started therapy, the inflammation will go to a chronic stage. Only a doctor on a gynecological examination will be able to identify the obstinate appendages.

Symptoms of chronic inflammation are as follows: the patient has shooting pains in the anus, groin, lower abdomen and sacrum. Problems with the menstrual cycle begin. This form of adnexitis is dangerous complications - the obstruction of the tubes and the appearance of adhesions, which often causes infertility. To risk health does not follow, it is necessary to undergo a full diagnosis if the woman has chilled the appendages.

Than to treat adnexitis?

If the cause of inflammation is infection, then the doctorwill prescribe antibiotics (preparations "Erythromycin", "Metronidazole" and others). Do not do without physiotherapy (ultrasound, paraffin baths, electrophoresis, etc.), vitamins and immunomodulators. Anxiety drugs are prescribed for severe pain syndrome.

It helps with adnexitis mud treatment andhydrogen sulphide baths. Independently to conduct therapy using folk methods, it is not necessary, since you do not know the exact cause of the disease and can aggravate the situation.

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