/ / The drug "Citovir" (syrup)

The drug "Citovir" (syrup)

Citovir (syrup) includes in its compositionactive ingredients: sodium thymogen, ascorbic acid, bendazole. Excipients: purified water, sucrose. Citovir syrup has a light yellow (or yellow) color. The drug is included in the category of immunostimulating agents.

Cytovir Syrup for Children. Instructions. Description

The mechanism of drug exposure is based oninterferogenic properties of components. Bendazol, which is part of the drug, induces (enhances) the production of endogenous (internal) interferon. Enzymes that are activated by its (interferon) effects in cells of different organs stop the multiplication of viruses. Along with this, the activation of immunocompetent cells stimulates the normalization of the immune system as a whole. Sodium thymogen is able to influence the T-cell link. Ascorbic acid positively affects the humoral immune link, normalizing capillary permeability and thus suppressing inflammatory processes.

With internal use of the drug occursAbsolute absorption from the digestive tract. The degradation products of bendazole and ascorbic acid are excreted through the kidneys. Sodium thymogen under the influence of peptidases is split into 1-tryptophan and 1-glutamic acid, used in peptide synthesis. The half-life of the components is no more than three hours.

Cytovir (syrup) is indicated for complex treatment and for the prevention of acute respiratory infections of viral nature and influenza.

The drug is contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus, hypersensitivity to the components.

Cytovir (syrup). Instructions for use

The drug is recommended before meals (for half an hour). Single dosage for children over 10 years - 12 ml each, from 6 to 10 - 8 ml, from 3 to 6 - 4 ml, from 1 to 3 - 2 ml. The drug is recommended to take three times a day. The duration of therapy is four days. For preventive purposes, a second course is allowed after three to four weeks after the end of the first one.

When using the drug in those suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, a short decrease in blood pressure is possible.

Cytovir (syrup) in therapeutic dosages is compatible with all drugs used in the symptomatic treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory diseases of a viral nature.

With continued use of the drug requires periodic monitoring of the state of renal function and glucose in the blood.

The medication is available in dark glass vials. In each container of 50 ml of syrup. In the cardboard bundle is attached a cap-dispenser or a spoon-dispenser.

The drug should be stored at a temperature notexceeding twenty-five degrees, in a dry place inaccessible to sunlight and children. Shelf life of the drug is two years. After the specified period, the use of the drug is prohibited.

According to the patients, Citovir is veryeffective drug. The use of a medicine allows you to accelerate recovery. In addition, the drug has a stimulating effect on the state of the immune system. As consumers note, after taking Citovir, the temperature begins to drop after twelve hours. Workability is restored to the second day, instead of four or five without the use of funds. However, the recommendations in the instructions on the duration of treatment should not be neglected.

Before using the drug, it is necessary to exclude possible contraindications, consult with a specialist, carefully study the annotation.

The medication is available in pharmacies according to the prescription.

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