/ / Delicious pea puree: caloric intake is not a hindrance even for those who are on a diet

Delicious pea puree: caloric content is not a hindrance even for those who are on a diet

A person caring for his health and watchingbecause he eats at the table, must definitely allocate a place in his diet for peas. This legume culture has long been known for its taste, nutrition, dietary and health benefits.

Than useful peas

pea puree calories

He is very rich in vitamins of group B, includingNiacin, better known as vitamin PP, which normalizes cholesterol levels, is extremely useful for blood vessels and the heart, and is simply necessary for diabetics, as it successfully breaks fats and sugar into energy. No less valuable is selenium, which is also enough in peas. This element prevents the entry and accumulation in a person of dangerous radioactive metals, which makes peas an effective anti-carcinogen.

However, pea itself is a product of highcaloric value. Its polished form contains 100 g of 298 kcal. If, of course, to cook pea puree, calorie content will be lower, but still this legume remains quite nutritious.

In what form goes to food

Most often - cooked. Peas, soups and mashed potatoes are made from peas. In Rus was very popular pea jelly, and in Germany - sausage from it. Make peas also flour and cereals; in the canned form it participates in a huge number of salads or as an "accessory" to meat and poultry.

Peas are often dried. It is this type of this legume crop that is called peeled. Dried peas, of course, do not eat; it is necessary simply for longer storage.

Fresh peas are eaten mainly in early summer,when he is young. On the one hand, in the fresh state it is most rich in vitamins; on the other - it can make digestion difficult and irritating to the walls of the intestine and stomach.

soup puree pea caloric content

Peas from a dietary point of view

Those who want to lose weight, he will have totreat with caution. Boiled peas, of course, are not as "heavy" as dried ones. It is quite possible to cook pea puree, the calorie content of which is not nearly 300, but only 130 kcal per hundred grams. However, potatoes in this form "tighten" only 77, if, of course, cook it on the water and without luxuries in the form of oil, squash and the like.

However, in this form, this valuablebean culture is very easy. Therefore, weakened people are often recommended pea puree; its caloric content will help to restore strength faster without harming the digestive system (unless, of course, you are prone to flatulence - in this case it will intensify).

How to reduce nutritional status

In principle, puree from peas is prepared only forwater, salt and vegetable (of any origin) oil. You can add spices that you especially like. If you leave only water, seasonings and salt, the caloric content of pea puree on the water will drop to 117 calories, and those who follow slimness, you can pamper yourself with this dish more often.

However, those who are on a diet, you want to eatdelicious. Yes, and constantly deny yourself a pleasant feeling boring and sad. Therefore such "sufferers" have developed a dietary soup-mashed pea, the calorie content of which fully meets the requirements of the selected abstinence, but it is very tasty.

Caloric value of pea puree on water

First of all, dry peas are replacedfrozen - it is also less caloric, and is preparing faster. For 400 g of beans you need a spoonful of sugar to preserve a beautiful color. Peas are poured cold water and cook for only a quarter of an hour with added chopped parsley. A ready-made basis is mashed in a puree, half a glass of low-fat cream is added and heated to a boil. Salt and spices - as you like.

In contrast to how much "weight" peapuree, the caloric content of this soup is only 33 kcal - and there's nothing to talk about! Anyone who wants to make it a little tastier and is not afraid to raise the satiety to 50, can put a couple of pieces of low-fat meat (better than chicken) in a plate.

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