/ / Testosterone in men

Testosterone in men

Testosterone in men is produced in Leydig cells in testicles. The process of its formation is controlled by the central nervous system, namely the pituitary gland, and is regulated by luteinizing hormone (LH).

On the seventh week of intrauterine developmenta testicle (sex glands) is formed. After a further fourteen days, testosterone begins to be produced in men. In the transition period (from thirteen to seventeen years), the secretion of the hormone in boys is significantly increased. Thus, the gradual transformation of him into a man begins.

Under the influence of the hormone, a normalthe formation of genital organs - the testicles, the penis, the prostate gland. In addition, testosterone in men affects the development of secondary signs of sex - the growth of hair on the body and face, the pubic region.

The hormone also promotes tissue formationprotein, primarily in the muscles. The strength and growth of the musculature is proportional to the amount of testosterone. The hormone also participates in a normal fat distribution in the body. Testosterone in men regulates maturation of bone tissue, timely closing of bone growth zones. Under the influence of the hormone, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is carried out. The appearance of a man, therefore, is completely dependent on the amount of testosterone.

Under the influence of the hormone, a lower voice is formed due to thickening of the ligaments during puberty.

Testosterone has a major effect onsexual activity and behavior, affecting individual zones in the brain, which leads to the emergence of attraction (libido). An important role of hormone is also noted in the formation of a normal erection. As a result of some studies it has been proved that under its influence there is a complete relaxation in the cavernous bodies, the hormone promotes the normal filling of blood in the vessels of the penis.

Testosterone, to one degree or another, affects all systems and organs.

By affecting the cardiovascular system, the hormonepromotes expansion in the coronary vessels, slows the atherosclerotic process, prevents the development of hypertrophy of the heart against the background of arterial hypertension, alleviates the symptoms of IHD.

From the side of the central nervous system testosterone affectsmemory, attention, speed of thinking. The hormone affects the state of mood: increased content contributes to aggression, low - depression. In addition, testosterone affects the orientation in space, has an antidepressant effect of pronounced character.

The influence of the hormone on the formation of erythrocytes in the bone marrow is also proved.

The lack of testosterone in the body is manifested by various symptoms. The most common are:

- decrease in concentration;

- Depression;

- reduction in muscle mass and strength;

- Fatigue;

- lowering of the libido;

- erectile disfunction;

- Anemia;

- Osteoporosis;

- tides;

- reduction of the prostate gland in size.

It was found that the decrease in the content of the hormoneis celebrated at about the age of thirty. Thus, testosterone drops by 1-2% every year. The norm in men for the production of a hormone per day is from 15 to 20 mg. By the age of fifty to fifty-five, its content is reduced by about half. The normal indices of testosterone in young and middle age are 5.76 - 28.14 nmol / l.

The amount of the hormone in mature and elderly mendepends on congenital (genetic) factors, for example, on the sensitivity of the body tissues to its effects. Influence on the content has and various pathologies of internal organs.

Increase testosterone in men can be, usinghormone replacement therapy. The purpose of a particular drug is carried out only by a doctor. At the same time, the individual characteristics of the patient's organism must be taken into account.

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