/ / Useful properties of leeks, as well as its nutritional value

Useful properties of leeks, as well as its nutritional value

Leeks are a two-year-old plant, terrestrialpart of which consists of wide green leaves, arranged in a fan-shaped manner. The underground part is white. Any part of the stem is suitable for food. Leeks have spread in many countries in the field of cooking. It is used to make soups. It is stewed, marinated, dried, frozen. In the preparation of salads with this onion, many chefs are still experimenting and always receive excellent results, as well as a new recipe.

useful properties of leek

From the history

Useful properties of leek leeks were identified andwere safely used in ancient times. It is known that the great orators took it for food to restore the voice. The poor people used it for food in a hungry time, as it is able to saturate the body in small quantities.

Healing properties

This greens is rich in sugars, B vitamins(1, 2, 6, 9) C, E, PP, carotene, potassium salts, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron. Useful onions, decide for yourself, but it is appreciated from antiquity. This product is recommended for food suffering from atherosclerosis, rheumatism, urolithiasis, and also under psychological stress. It is claimed that because of the huge content of organic sulfur, this vegetable is able to rid of Salmonella and Escherichia coli.

is the onion
At present, the useful properties of onions have been provenleukemia: acceleration of the metabolism process, improvement of appetite, normalization of the digestive tract and liver function, stimulation of secretion production. By nature, it has choleretic and diuretic qualities. It is also used to remove toxins from the body, reduce cholesterol. He is able to reduce or prevent the formation of blood clots completely. Leeks are advised to eat with the following diagnoses: chronic bronchitis, diabetes, asthma.


With inflammatory diseases of the stomach andduodenal ulcer is strictly prohibited. In this bow, the caloric value of which is only 35 kcal per hundred grams, is used in many dishes for weight loss.


In folk medicine, other useful properties of onion leeks are indicated. It is used to treat festering wounds and ulcers, insect bites.

How to choose

If you can not grow this product yourself, then when you buy it in the store you have to be careful. Buy only fresh stems without signs of drying.

onion calories

How to store

Store this vegetable in the fridge - so muchthe useful properties of leek leeks last longer, but you do not need to wash it before storage, you can simply remove the remaining land from the roots. Fresh greens can lie in a cool place for three to six months, without losing their useful qualities and even slightly increasing them. Agronomists claim that the production of vitamin C does not stop even after pulling onions from the ground and continues throughout the storage period. In a dried form, the seasoning is stored for about a year, in the frozen state - for six months. The food in which this ingredient is introduced can only be consumed for two days, the dish stored over this time is discarded. This is due to the fact that this type of onions consists mainly of water. It is the presence in the dish of water in large quantities makes it unfit for consumption.

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