/ / Opisthorchiasis: symptoms and treatment

Opisthorchiasis: Symptoms and Treatment

Opisthorchiasis, whose symptoms and treatment will beexamined in this article, is a helminthiomas that affect the gallbladder, bile ducts, and also the ducts of the pancreas. As a rule, this disease lasts a very long time, multiple exacerbations are possible. It is also worth noting that opisthorchiasis, whose symptoms are numerous, can lead to liver or pancreatic cancer.

Its causative agents are trematodes. It is a Siberian fluke and a cat's fluke. The fluke has a flat body, and there is an oral sucker in front. There is also an abdominal sucker - it is located between the first and second quarter of the body. Eggs of the parasite have a pale yellow color.

This causative agent can parasitize inanimals, birds, fish, etc. And a person can get infected from any living being, including from another person. Basically, people become carriers after they eat infected meat.

The larvae of the parasite enter the stomach, where they exitfrom their shells. Then they penetrate into the gallbladder, pancreas, and also into the liver. Their sexual maturity will come in two weeks. After its onset, they themselves begin to lay eggs.

Through the fault of parasites, the condition of the mucousshells of the biliary and pancreatic ducts. Opisthorchias prevent the outflow of bile, and also contribute to the development of neoplasms of the liver, cystic enlargement. On the body they also have a toxic effect.

Opisthorchiasis: symptoms of the disease

The incubation period can last fourof the week. But in some cases it takes only fourteen days. The first signs of the disease include elevated body temperature, vomiting, severe diarrhea, an increase in the liver, discomfort in the joints and muscles, the appearance of allergic skin rashes. In some cases, not only the liver but also the spleen increases.

Over time, the symptoms of opisthorchiasis increase. There is pain in the right hypochondrium and in the epigastric region. This pain can give in the back. Often there are attacks of stomach colic, migraine, dyspeptic disorders (loss of appetite and other).

Often, patients complain that they can not fall asleep. Their mood constantly changes, they are constantly irritated.

At later stages, body temperature is normalor slightly increased. The liver is always enlarged and compacted. Also opisthorchiasis, the symptoms of which we are considering, can also take place in a latent form. In this case, a person can not experience discomfort.

What complications can there be?

There may be purulent cholangitis - this is not whatOther, as an inflammation of biliary tract. Also, a list of complications can be made by the rupture of the cystic dilated bile ducts, as a result of which bile peritonitis, liver cancer, acute pancreatitis can develop.

How to cure opisthorchiasis

Complex therapy should be carried out, which uses choleretic and anthelmintic medicines, as well as means that tonify and restore the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

The patient is always assigned a special diet. Doctors recommend eating with tiny portions, fatty is unacceptable. The emphasis should be on vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese and others. Sweets and spicy food can not be. During treatment, it is necessary to drink plenty of water.

Praziquantel is an effective drug for treatmentthis disease. The second name is Biltricide. Also, choleretic medications and drugs are available that can restore impaired liver function.

Opisthorchiasis, the symptoms and treatment of which we have considered, can persecute a person long enough. After all, it is not always possible to remove parasites from the first time.

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