/ What is oral dermatitis?

What is oral dermatitis?

Oral dermatitis isskin disease of the face, in which appear flaky rashes in the mouth and some nearby areas (eyelids, nasolabial folds, cheeks, etc.). In some cases, these kinds of lesions are accompanied by itching and unpleasant burning. Most often this disease is diagnosed in women aged 25-35 years.

oral dermatitis
Main reasons

Oral dermatitis appears, according tospecialists, due to a great number of reasons, the most common of which are the following: the use of hormonal ointments, some cosmetics, household chemicals and fluorine-containing toothpastes. The ailment, as a rule, is caused by the so-called "demodex mite", which, in turn, parasitizes on the face skin. On the other hand, some other factors contribute to the disease (reduced immunity, various kinds of endocrine diseases, as well as sunbathing, chronic infections, etc.).


oral dermatitis folk remedies

Oral dermatitis is primarily manifestedin the form of minor redness on the face, then quite rare rashes in the form of pustules and papules are already added. With the course of the disease these pimples become more and more, the skin becomes rough and somewhat bumpy. According to specialists, the main symptoms of such a disease, as oral dermatitis, persist for 3-5 months. They then calmed down, then once again become aggravated. Thus, the intensity of manifestations is markedly increased with each intake of alcohol, hot food, or with a sharp change in climatic conditions.

oral dermatitis photo

Oral dermatitis, photos of which yousee in the article, is considered a fairly persistent disease, resistant to treatment. Undoubtedly, this fact has an adverse effect on the overall psychological state of patients. So, they become irritable, self-esteem decreases, they even feel uncertain about their appearance. All this ultimately leads to a change in the way of life, the circle of communication in general and even the place of permanent work. Therapy is primarily based on eliminating the root causes, which caused inflammation. This means a complete rejection of used cosmetics, certain chemicals and hormonal ointments. Specialists often prescribe antihistamines, as well as vitamins of group B. These medicines are now available for sale in various forms (sprays, ointments, etc.) in almost every pharmacy.

Oral dermatitis. Folk remedies

Of course, there are a great many recipesour grandmothers from this disease. However, experts do not recommend them to follow, since in this case the incidence of incomplete cure and subsequent relapse is very high. In addition, with illiterate therapy, there is the possibility of a fairly strong thinning of the skin, brittle vessels, the appearance of acne. All these consequences are also difficult to treat.

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