/ / Compatibility: Detralex and alcohol. Appointment of the drug, instructions for use, contraindications

Compatibility: Detralex and alcohol. Appointment of the drug, instructions for use, contraindications

Increasingly in recent years, patients are identifiedpathology of blood vessels. It can be varicose, hemorrhoids or other diseases. It should be noted that diseases affect not only the elderly, but also young people. One of the effective drugs for the treatment and prevention of these ailments was Detralex. It is also used for prevention. At the same time, many consumers are wondering whether it is possible to use together (what is their compatibility) Detralex and alcohol. Today's article will help you answer it.

compatibility detraleks and alcohol

Characteristics of the drug: composition, cost and form of release

Before you start treatment Detralex, you needbe sure to read the instructions. It is attached to each package of the drug. The medicine is produced in the form of tablets of 30 and 60 pieces each. The cost depends on the number of pills in the package. A small bundle will cost you about 900 rubles. For a large pack will need to pay about 1700 rubles.

The preparation consists of two main components: diosmin in the amount of 450 mg and hesperidinum - 50 mg. As additional substances are allocated gelatin, magnesium stearate, talc, glycerol and some others.

detraleks instructions for use price

Purpose of the drug Detralex

Tablets have an angioprotective andvenotonizing action. It is not recommended to use this medication independently. To obtain an appointment, you should contact a doctor who specializes in vascular pathologies. He will conduct a survey and select the appropriate treatment regimen. Often the medicine is combined with other means and methods of correction.

Indications for the use of the drug are the following situations:

  • venous-lymphatic insufficiency;
  • heaviness in the legs and swelling;
  • pain in the lower limbs and vascular networks;
  • varicosity;
  • hemorrhoids of different severity and localization.

The purpose of the drug is also performed in order to prevent these pathologies. In this case, a slightly different scheme and duration of application is chosen.

What are the contraindications to use?

Reception of tablets "Detraleks" is contraindicated in persons,which have an increased sensitivity to the constituent components. Not only the main active substances are taken into account, but also additional ones. If you previously had an allergy to the described chemical compounds, then you should choose another remedy for treatment.

Contraindications to the use of the drug "Detralex" will be the following situations:

  • acute renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • tendency to bleed.

Many venotonics are contraindicated in the periodpregnancy. However, studies of Detralex did not show a negative effect on the fetus. The experiments were carried out on animals. Tablets can be used during pregnancy, but only for the doctor's prescription. It is preferable to perform therapy after 20 weeks.

prescription of detralex

Method of application: dosage and duration of use

Treatment with the drug "Detralex" course. Duration of admission depends on the course of the disease and its duration.

  • For correction of venous insufficiency and prevention of varicose veins, you need to take 2 tablets per day (you can simultaneously). The duration of therapy is two months.
  • After surgical treatment of varicose veins, the drug is taken two capsules (day and night) for 1-6 months.
  • During an exacerbation of a hemorrhoids it is necessary to accept on 6 tablets in day of 4 days. After that, the drug is used for 3 more days for 4 tablets.
  • Prevention of hemorrhoidal nodes involves taking the drug 1 capsule per day for 2-3 weeks.

Use the drug is recommended during meals without preliminary shredding. So the active substance is assimilated as much as possible.

reception of tablets detraleks

Compatibility: Detralex and alcohol

Is it possible during treatment with Detralex?to drink alcohol? This question is of interest to many patients. After all, the course of treatment is quite long. If you refer to the annotation, then you will not find any information on this. The manufacturer does not prohibit drinking alcohol and being treated by Detralex. But this does not mean that the tablets can be washed down with alcohol. We'll figure it out if there is compatibility between the hot drinks and the venotonic.

"Detralex" and alcoholic beverages are notit is recommended to take together for the following reasons. The drug improves blood circulation, increases the tone of blood vessels, dilutes blood. Alcohol acts in the opposite way. Alcoholic drinks make the vessels flabby, expand them. With such a combination, you simply will not get any therapeutic effect from the drug. As a result, money will be wasted.

In addition to the lack of a positive result, withcombining the drug "Detralex" and alcohol, there is an increased burden on the liver and kidneys. If the patient has hidden or obvious pathologies of these organs, then they can worsen.

treatment with detralex

Negative effects of treatment (in combination with alcohol)

You already know that the drug andalcohol-containing compounds zero compatibility. "Detralex" and alcohol in the aggregate can cause completely unexpected reactions. At best, with this combination, you will not get any result from the treatment. Also, with the simultaneous use of tablets and alcohol increases the likelihood of adverse reactions. Among them are the following:

  • allergy (itching, rash on the skin, urticaria);
  • indigestion (nausea, diarrhea, vomiting);
  • intoxication;
  • dizziness and headache, loss of consciousness;
  • edema.

If you still took the drug at the same timealcohol and suddenly felt worse, then you should immediately rinse your stomach and take the sorbent. Call for emergency help and use the services of physicians.

Feedback from consumers and health professionals about venotonics

Doctors say that before usingthe preparation must necessarily read the annotation. Attached to each pack of tablets "Detraleks" instructions for use. The price of the drug is quite high. However, doctors do not recommend replacing it with cheaper analogs. Experts say that the drug Detralex is unique. The effect of its use becomes visible within a day.

Consumers who took this medicine,remain happy with the therapy in 90% of cases. Patients say that the medicine removes swelling, eliminates nocturnal cramps and morning fatigue in the legs. At the same time, the existing enlarged veins do not return to their normal state. However, all symptoms of the disease during this period are completely removed. After the withdrawal of the pills, signs of varicose veins usually return. After all, conservative therapy is not able to eliminate the disease completely. Therefore, physicians often recommend a comprehensive approach to treatment (surgical methods, sclerotherapy, compression underwear and so on). Phlebologists recommend conducting several preventive courses of the drug per year.

detralex course


You learned what happens when you combine alcoholand Detralex. Instructions for use, the price of tablets and the scheme of their application is presented to your attention. Do not use the medication yourself. If you have problems with veins and blood vessels, be sure to show yourself to the doctor. Before the start of therapy, a thorough examination should be carried out. You may need additional medications and treatments. Good luck!

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