/ / Types of tobacco for hookah and their features

Kinds of tobacco for hookah and their features

Where did the tradition of smoking hookah come from? How does it differ from conventional cigarettes? What kinds of tobacco for hookahs exist? Let's look for answers to these questions.

For the first time smoking a hookah started in Ancient India is notone hundred years ago. Then - in Asia, Persia, Africa, Syria. Gradually this tradition reached Europe. And by the end of the twentieth century the hookah has gained popularity in Russia. Nowadays almost every second institution provides the opportunity to smoke a hookah, the smoke of which allows you to relax with your body and mind.

types of tobacco for shisha

Kinds of tobacco for hookah and their features

Traditionally, there are 3 types of tobacco for hookah:

  1. "Massil".
  2. "Tombak".
  3. "The Jug."

Each of them has its own specific features. What kinds of tobacco for hookah are the most popular among smokers? Today we will talk about this.

"Massil" (Muessel)

This popular type of hookah tobacco was inventedin Egypt more than 100 years ago. Once a soldier, eating bread and molasses, tried to add a little treacle to the dry tobacco. The result of such a combination was magnificent. The sticky consistency of tobacco, acquired by it thanks to molasses, made it much easier to light it, and also to feel its aroma. It was then that such tobacco began to be called a "massif", that is, in the translation from the Arabic language "honey". Trying to uncover the taste and aroma of tobacco, it was tried to add a variety of flavor flavors, and the simplest, and somewhat peculiar. The result was satisfied, so these experiments continue to this day. As a result, there are more and more new types of hookah tobacco.

According to the system of established standards,which determines the proportions of additives, quality hookah tobacco of this type should have the following composition: 50% molasses and glycerin, 30% large-sliced ​​tobacco leaves, 20% fruit, instead of which spices, berries, floral or herbal essences, aromatic oils, as well as food flavors.

what kinds of tobacco for shisha

Some peculiarities are inherent in the process itselfproduction "mass." For him, choose strong black tobacco, in which, after complex processing, the level of nicotine is significantly reduced, and harmful to the resin disappear completely. Of great importance is the dosage of components and the sequence in which the ingredients are laid. It is due to the relative harmlessness to health and the variety of taste sensations offered, the "mass" is the most consumed type of tobacco for hookah.

"Tombak" (Tombak)

Translated from the Turkish language Tombak verbatimmeans "tobacco". This kind of hookah tobacco is, as they say, classic of the genre. It is preferred by people who do not recognize flavors, enjoying the authentic taste and aroma of tobacco. However, the content in it of a large amount of nicotine is a significant negative for health. In order to get rid of at least a small amount of nicotine, "Tombak" moistened with water and carefully squeezed before pawning in a hookah bowl.

This kind of tobacco is popular in the countries of the East, especially in Iran and Turkey. In Russia, "Tombak" has not won a special love among hookah smokers.

"Jurak" (Jurak)

This type of tobacco is a kind ofthe middle link between "Tombakom" and "Massil", since its composition includes both molasses and black tobacco. Sometimes these fruits and oils are also added to these ingredients.

The north of India, Nepal and Saudi Arabia are the only places where "Zhurak" has become widespread. In other parts of the world, he was not able to gain popularity.

types of tobacco for hookah and their features

Packing tobacco for shisha

All kinds of tobacco for hookah have one more feature - for each of them a certain type of packaging is preferable.

Since the "Massil" is very similar in appearancejam, that is, it is moist and sticky, it is first packed in polyethylene, and then in plastic or cardboard. However, it is even better if such tobacco is transported and stored in tin or glass containers.

In turn, "Tombak" - a dry kind of tobacco, so it is often packed in ordinary paper.


What kinds of tobacco for hookahs are, we have alreadyknow. And which manufacturer should you give preference to? In order to choose really high quality hookah tobacco, you should know which manufacturers of this product, tested by time, you need to pay attention first.

  • Al Fakher - A company located in the United Arab Emirates. The tobacco it offers is of high quality. It is finely chopped, carefully soaked. Pros: there are no impurities of debris, the optimal ratio of price and quality.
  • Nakhla - Egyptian manufacturer, which is morecentury is engaged in making tobacco for hookah. Its product is stronger, less clean. Nevertheless, thanks to its long experience in this field, the company as a result of production receives tobacco with a very rich taste, so it remains popular in the modern market.
  • Starbuzz takes third place in popularity, thanks toThe fact that the content of this American manufacturer's products is significantly less than nicotine. The tobacco blend of this company is characterized by a wide variety of varieties.
  • Saalaam. This company produces non-nicotine tobacco for hookah.

tobacco for hookah types of flavors

Hookah mixes

It was noted above that one of the advantages of tobacco"Massil" is the provision of the opportunity to enjoy a variety of gustatory sensations. "Massil" is a very popular tobacco for hookah. Types of flavors and flavors of it delight the consumer with its diversity and richness.

The most delicious flavors of "Massil" are recognized:

  • Apple or double apple.
  • Strawberries.
  • Apricot.
  • Cherry.
  • A mixture of fruits.
  • Mint.
  • Coffee aromas.
  • Mango.
  • Banana.

Sometimes in the modern market in the range you can meet quite unusual tastes: beer, Coca-Cola, chewing gum.

Experienced smokers often mix "Massil" forin order to achieve new varieties of fragrances. For a change, you can spread the tobacco layer by layer to experience a few tastes that will smoothly change each other.

Here are a few recipes for how to mix different types of hookah tobacco with different flavors.

  • Rose and lemon. Sorts should be taken in equal proportions. Fans of hookah smoking advise such an option for those who prefer a soft pleasant aroma.
  • Watermelon, mint and vanilla. The proportions should be equal. The taste of mint and watermelon is felt brightly, vanilla - more gently.
  • Cardamom plus orange, which are also taken in equal proportions.
  • Bilberry, orange, vanilla. The proportions of this mix: ½, ¼, ¼. To the ingredients you can add a little cinnamon.

what kinds of tobacco for hookahs are


So, the types of tobacco for hookah are very diverse. There are a lot of them, and even more manufacturers of such a product. So that every lover of hookah smoking has the opportunity to choose a product that perfectly matches the taste and material possibilities. However, do not forget that smoking of any kind of tobacco (even beznikotinovogo) is not absolutely harmless to health. The choice is yours.

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