/ / Anal opening

Anal opening

Anal aperture, or anus - this is the lowestthe extremity of the channel of the anus. It is intended for excretion of undigested food from the body. The back passage of a person, like other vertebrates, is located separately from the genital and urinary aperture. Two sphincters surround the anal opening - an external, human-controlled, which is formed by striated muscle, and the inner one, which is a thickening of the musculature of the rectum. In children, the anus is not positioned as in adults, but at a distance of about 2 cm from the coccyx.

Anal opening most of the timethe maximum is reduced, which creates a barrier for the involuntary release of feces. Most of his basal tonus is determined by his internal sphincter. The appearance in the rectum of natural secretions causes a relaxation of this kind of musculature of the rectum. As a result, there is a so-called "rectoanal reflex". If coordination between the muscles of the pelvic floor and sphincters is broken or not at all, then in this case there may be constipation or other unpleasant consequences. To diagnose the condition of this part of the body, anorectal therapy is often used.

The skin in this zone is very sensitive and tender. Therefore, an itch in the anus can appear from such causes as constipation or diarrhea, as well as feces that come into contact with the skin. The US Department of Health offers a number of tips on how to avoid such consequences. The most important of them will be listed below.

First, the anal opening is recommendedwash away after the departure of the need. Further, this area should be in a dry state. Underwear should be breathable to allow the skin to "breathe". The same requirement can be attributed to other types of your clothes. If possible, use moisture absorbing pads. They can be replaced with disposable linen.

Sometimes there is not just an itch, but also stronger onesFeel. If the anal hole hurts, this can be a consequence of the so-called anal fissures - damage to the inner wall of the anal passage. They arise from the contact of some food residues or foreign bodies (for example, a piece of bone) with the rectum, as well as with long diarrhea. Such feelings, manifested during defecation, can be a sign of an acute stage of the anal fissure, after defecation is a sign that the trauma has already acquired a chronic form. Sensations in this case can be much stronger than, for example, with hemorrhoids. They can literally bring to groans and screams.

itching in the anus
But if the anal hole hurts, it's notalways a sign of anal fissure. If this syndrome is accompanied by the presence of blood in the feces, this can indicate cancer of the rectum. With this disease, pain can be given to other parts of the body, including the genital area, the lower abdomen and thigh.

These same symptoms can be signs of hemorrhoids. The aggravation of this illness can be associated with an incorrect way of life, in particular, with excessive consumption of alcohol, physical exertion, excessive reception of spicy dishes.

If you feel pain in this place, it is advisable to visit a proctologist. Do not delay a visit to the doctor!

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