/ / Kalashnikov's medical syringe-pistol: device, principle of action, instructions and references

Medical syringe-pistol Kalashnikov: device, principle of action, instruction and feedback

The Kalashnikov syringe is a unique device that helps minimize the painful and stressful feelings that most people have when they mention injections.

syringe gun kalashnikov

Allows you to conduct yourself so unpleasant for many procedure.

Why do I need a syringe gun

Few people in life can notavoid meeting with injections. Sooner or later, at least once with injections, everyone has to face each other. Injection is the most widely accepted method of drug administration. The complexity of the technique of doing injections does not differ, however, the correctness of needle insertion, and hence the painlessness of the process, can only be provided by the training, practice and firm hand of a professional. But not everyone can afford to visit a medical institution for the course of injections due to lack of time, and the lack of money limits some patients the possibility of calling a nurse at home. The psychological factor associated with the possible occurrence of pain, does not allow people to inject themselves and help their loved ones. A syringe-gun Kalashnikov for injections allows to reduce all these negative factors to zero and to carry out intramuscular injections independently at home.

syringe gun Kalashnikov reviews

It was developed by a Russian businessmanAndrei Kalashnikov, who wants to make injections less painful and uncomfortable. In the development was invested little or no much 2 million rubles. The device is relatively young, since the first sample was released in 2007, but according to experts, the commercial chances of a syringe gun are very good.

Device construction

The syringe gun has a fairly simple design, which includes:

- plastic housing;

- a bed for a disposable five-millimeter syringe;

- trigger;

- The mechanism.

Features of the Kalashnikov syringe gun

A simple and convenient injection syringe:

- Allows without outside help to carry out intramuscular injections not only to itself, but also to close people.

- Does not require the presence of professional skills and extensive experience.

- It makes it possible to carry out injections practically in any conditions: at home, at the dacha, on a trip.

- Ensures that the procedure is carried out correctly.

- Allows you to get rid of the psychological barrier before inserting the needle.

- According to the volunteers, it removes painful and unpleasant sensations from the injection.

- The light weight of the device makes it easy and confident to hold it in the hand of both a man and a woman.

syringe gun Kalashnikov in pharmacies

Mechanized syringe gun Kalashnikov inpharmacies are sold at very affordable prices. In different pharmacy chains it varies from 350 to 500 rubles. However, it can often be found only in the metropolitan pharmacies. In the provinces, pharmacists are still not very aware of such a device and it is difficult to find it. In online stores, you can easily order a Kalashnikov gun. The testimonies testify to the convenience, simplicity and ease of application of the device, the absence after injections of injection cones. The instructions in a simple accessible language set out all the nuances. Disadvantages are not mentioned.

Syringe pistol Kalashnikov: instructions for use

Before you proceed directly tothe injection process, you should thoroughly wash your hands and open the ampoule with the solution. Then, you should dial the drug into a disposable five-millimeter syringe. Pay attention that in a syringe with a solution there were no bubbles with air.

Then we prepare the gun itself. The stopper of the syringe-pistol must be treated with a disinfectant. We press and hold the trigger of the device, while pulling the platen rod up to the stop. Then we release the trigger. Now the Kalashnikov syringe is in the cocked state. Care should be taken to install a disposable syringe in the device. Its body should be located between two red pointers of the guide rod.

Cotton swab with antisepticit is necessary to treat the site of the injection, the movement should be only from the top down. The automatic syringe should be installed a few millimeters away from the skin at a right angle. With a firm and sharp movement of the hand, you need to pull the trigger, after which the needle will enter the muscle. If there was blood in the syringe, then it was getting into the vessel. You should repeat the injection in another place a few centimeters from the previous injection. Having intercepted the syringe with the other hand, with your thumb, press on the plunger of the syringe and slowly inject the medicine. The needle is removed from the muscles by the rapid movement of the hand. To the injection site, a cotton swab with an antiseptic or a sterile tissue is applied for several minutes.

syringe gun for Kalashnikov injection

After the procedure, the needle of the syringe is put oncap, it is removed and, together with the syringe, is thrown into the garbage can. The Kalashnikov syringe gun should be wiped with a disinfectant after each use.

Basic Precautions

The device should only be used forfor intramuscular injection. The syringe used for the injection should be only 5 mm. It should not be in the immediate vicinity of a heating device, a combustible or flammable liquid. No alkalis or acids should be located nearby. In the event of a change in the color of the body of the device or the appearance of damage, the syringe gun is not recommended.

How to store

Storage conditions are unpretentious. The unit must be protected from direct sunlight. The temperature in the storage location should be at room temperature. The place itself should be dry and inaccessible to children. If you follow these rules, the device will last at least five years.

syringe gun Kalashnikov instructions

Form of issue

The device is issued in an individual package with the attached passport of the device and detailed instructions for use and maintenance.

The Kalashnikov pistol is areusable certified medical device that allows painlessly to carry out the process of injection not only to themselves, but also to close ones, while minimizing the feeling of any discomfort.

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