/ / We are protected by the drug "Grippferon" - the instruction is enclosed!

We are protected by the preparation "Grippferon" - the instruction is enclosed!

At the present time, "Grippferon" isunique in its kind drug in the fight against various types of influenza viruses and ARVI. The drug is produced in the form of drops for the nose and is used not only to prevent diseases of the adult population, but newborns and pregnant women.

In order to properly start the applicationpreparation "Grippferon", the instruction should be studied by you in detail, after all the dosage, as in any medicine, will differ depending on the scheme of reception.

Taking this medication is necessarystart at the moment, as soon as you notice the first signs of a cold in your body or your baby. Pay attention to the dosage of the drug "Grippferon", instructions for use to which should always be in the package.

To treat influenza and SARS, use "Grippferon" in the following dosage:

- from birth until the age of 1 year, drip 5 times a day, one drop into the nasal passage;

- If the baby is from 1 to 3 years old, increase the dose to 2 drops and drip 3 times a day;

- from 3 to 14 years, the number of receptions of the drug "Grippferon" (the instruction confirms this dosage) increase up to 4 times a day;

- for adults "Grippferon" is used in a dosage of 3 drops, with a periodicity of 3 hours.

This drug has a higheffectiveness for the prevention of diseases during epidemics or during contact with the sick. For the purpose of warning against diseases, use the dose according to age, but with a frequency 1-2 times a day. For the maximum effectiveness of the drug "Grippferon" the instruction recommends rubbing the wings of the nose after instillation.

This drug is effective not only as prevention and treatment, but also has vasoconstrictive properties, so do not use other drugs from the cold at the same time.

In addition, if you already have someone in your family,which is the source of a viral infection, this drug will help in protecting others from infection. In this case, the use of "Grippferon" is necessary for everyone who is surrounded by the patient. If the drug is used only by the infected, it can also protect family members from the virus, because the mechanism of action is such that it blocks the multiplication of viruses on the patient's mucosa.

Similar properties are also present ina drug as "Derinat". Therefore, you should decide what to choose from the proposed drops, "Grippferon" or "Derinat", taking into account the individual characteristics of the body in terms of perception of drugs. But, according to studies, it is the "Grippferon" that surpasses other drugs in terms of speed of action and simplicity of perception. The main advantages are the following: high efficiency in treatment, acts instantly, is safe enough for the body, can be used for any age group, is compatible with other medicines and prevents complications arising after the acute respiratory infections and influenza.

In addition to data on the drug "Grippferon",instruction to which explains in sufficient detail the effect of the drug on the human body, scientists are conducting independent studies of these droplets-defenders. As a result, it was revealed that "Grippferon" proved to be an effective assistant for children who are on treatment in a hospital. Everyone knows that hitting with the baby in the hospital, you can recover from one illness in a few days and immediately become infected with a viral disease. So, if you apply "Grippferon" in this case, the probability of re-infection is minimized, which significantly reduces the duration of your stay in the hospital.

Do not neglect the drugs offered for the prevention of viral diseases, because it is always better to prevent the disease than to get rid of it!

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