/ / Device "Almag-01": reviews of doctors and contraindications, instruction

The device "Almag-01": reviews of doctors and contraindications, instruction

On the healing properties of magnetotherapyhumanity is known for a long time. Scientists in the course of research found that the body is very sensitive to radiation of this kind. Moreover, the person does not feel the effect of the magnetic field, but receives a favorable result in the form of weakening of pains, improvement of the state of health.

Based on a number of studies, Russian scientistsinvented a unique device "Almag-01". The feedback of patients using this amazing device is only positive. What is this device and how does it work?


When reaching middle age, the majoritypeople begin to feel pain in the back. This problem is associated with a sedentary lifestyle, which today, unfortunately, leads the vast majority of our compatriots. Sedentary posture is not characteristic of a healthy active person and significantly affects the condition of his back, as well as internal organs. Long stay in this position leads to the fact that the muscles of the back are exposed to excessive tension.

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Other causes of pain in the spine may bemuscle loads during sports activities, hard work at the cottage or lifting weights. Consequences are deplorable: there is unbearable pain in the back, which signals that disorders have occurred in the locomotor apparatus.

This leads to the emergence of variousdiseases: arthritis, osteoarthritis of various joints. These ailments are the worst succumb to medical treatment, and ointments and pills just for a while muffle the pain.

The solution is!

Most recently, a newA unique device that can save a person from many diseases. This "Almag-01" is a device whose action is based on magnetic radiations. Using the device is easy. The device produces running magnetic fluxes that favorably affect damaged organs.

The use of the device allows you to get rid of painin the back, to remove the symptoms of inflammation, to increase efficiency. Due to its unique design, the device covers a large area of ​​impact: almost the entire vertebral column, upper or lower extremities, torso.

It is quite easy to use "Almag-01": the instruction says that the device can be used independently at home. Let's get acquainted with this amazing device.

The device "Almag-01": instructions, reviews

The device is a small circuitinterconnected coils (nodes). Its mass is only 620 grams. One pulse is produced with a duration of 1.5 - 2.5 ms and a frequency of 6 Hz. The device works from the network, when it is turned on, the light signal lights up.

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During application, it is necessary to adheremode of operation, which is calculated for the device "Almag-01". The scheme is simple, but it should be observed. The device can work for 6 hours, but every 20 minutes you need to pause. This is necessary in order to avoid overexertion. The break is maintained for 10 minutes.


Before first use, you need to checkserviceability of the device. Instruction for the application of "Almag-01" must be present in each package. It describes in detail the scope of its application and the sequence of actions to use.

The device is designed to treat:

  • problems in the locomotor apparatus: osteochondrosis of various localization, arthrosis, bursitis;
  • damage to the joints or bone tissue of a different nature: injuries, bruises, bruises, sprains or muscles, swelling, burns;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, noises in the heart, hypertension;
  • problems of the digestive system: gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, colitis, and chronic flatulence;
  • gynecological diseases in women: inflammation, complications after cesarean section, painful menstruation;
  • venous diseases: thrombosis of vessels of the lower extremities (chronic and acute), thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • complications of diabetes mellitus and concomitant diseases;
  • dermatological problems: healing of scars in the postoperative period, itching dermatoses;
  • diseases of respiratory organs: bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and other ailments of the lungs;
  • neurological diseases: cerebral vascular dysfunctions, various disorders of the nervous system.

Magnetic impulses penetrate the tissues of the body to a depth of up to 8 cm, which allows the device to subtly affect internal organs, quickly relieve pain and successfully treat various ailments.

Using the device

The device is rather unusual in form, so a lot of questions can arise during the first application. What pose is best to accept, how to use?

"Almag-01" - a small device consisting of a chainelastic coils. Feedback from patients using the device suggests that it is easy to use and does not require special skills.

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Terms of use:

  • During power-up, the indicators begin to glow on the unit. This indicates that it is ready to use and is working.
  • Before the first treatment session, the patient should be sure to read the instructions for the application of "Almag-01".
  • For the procedure, you need to take a comfortable pose (lie on the bed or sit comfortably on the chair). Then the device should be attached to the problem site.
  • The area of ​​exposure can be covered with a light cloth, but the best effect is achieved during direct exposure of the device to the body, without unnecessary objects.
  • The time of one procedure is 10-20minutes. Such a short session is sufficient for the penetration of magnetic impulses into tissues. The duration of the first intake should not exceed 10 minutes. Then the procedure time can be gradually increased.
  • Sessions should be conducted every day, preferably twice a day. Instruction for the application of "Almag-01" indicates that the treatment procedure is best performed before meals or 3 hours after eating. It is advisable to do this at the same time.
  • The full course of treatment is 10 - 20 sessions, depending on the complexity and characteristics of the disease.
  • The repeated course is conducted not earlier than in 1 month.
  • During the first procedure, the patient can feel minor pain, which passes by himself. Throughout the process, the patient will feel the heat emanating from the apparatus.
  • It is not recommended to drink alcohol during treatment sessions.

The attached instructions detail how to use Almag-01. If you have any questions, consult your doctor.

Magnetic device "Almag-01": contraindications, reviews

The device has a strong effect on the wholehuman organism. Therefore, before using it, you should obtain the permission of a specialist and examine all available information about the device in order to avoid trouble or complications.

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There are the following contraindications to the use of the device:

  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • Newborns and children of younger age group (up to 2 years);
  • purulent ulcers;
  • tendency to bleeding;
  • hyperthyroidism syndrome of the thyroid gland;
  • diseases associated with circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • the recovery period after the infarction;
  • systemic blood diseases.

The presence of metal implants in a body of small size is not a contraindication to the use of the device. However, before using it, consult your doctor.

Of course, you can purchase the device and conduct sessions yourself at home. The only thing that should stop you before using the device "Almag-01" - contraindications.

Reviews patients who managed to get rid of painfulsensations with the help of this device are of a positive nature. The device has a lot of advantages, which confirm its uniqueness and high therapeutic effect.

Before starting treatment, the patient shouldfamiliarize yourself with all the nuances of using the device. The instruction for the application of "Almag-01", which is in the package with the device, describes in detail the indications, its configuration and technical characteristics.


Of course, many patients are puzzled: How can a small device solve problems that have arisen long ago and disturb their regular manifestations in the form of pain, tension? However, this device really works and has a number of the following advantages:

  • The treatment of "Almag-01" is affordable and simple. To conduct a session, no special knowledge or skills are required.
  • The depth of penetration of magnetic fluxes is 6-8 cm. They affect not only the outer integument of a person, but also its internal organs.
  • The effectiveness of the device is obvious. This is evidenced not only by the testimony of people who used the device "Almag-01". Reviews of doctors whose patients have been treated with the device also talk about its beneficial effect on the body. In 30% of patients there was a clear improvement in health, and in 50% of cases there was a small but obvious dynamics of recovery.
  • The device is completely safe. It can be used in a weakened state and in old age.
  • Completely no effect of addiction or addiction.
  • The device is always at hand. To conduct a session, you do not need to go to the hospital, take turns in the treatment room.
  • The device "Almag-01" strengthens the action of medications, which significantly reduces their dose.
  • Long-term use and tangible savings. The service life of the device is 6-8 years.

Mechanism of action

It has long been known that under the influence of diseasesthe electromagnetic indices of the body cells suffer changes. This leads to deterioration of health, weakening of immunity and the appearance of various diseases. Under the influence of magnetic running currents, which are much more effective than alternating and permanent fields, the damaged cells and tissues are restored, their structure acquires an initial holistic form.

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It is these healing properties that possessthe device "Almag-01". Feedback from experts who have conducted numerous studies in the field of the influence of magnetic fluxes on the human body are direct proof that with their help it is possible to reduce pain or prevent dangerous diseases.

People who have problems in their workmusculoskeletal system, it is necessary to use the device "Almag-01". Reviews of patients who have experienced the curative effect of this amazing device, confirm its effectiveness.

The body fully establishes the cellularexchange, there is a normal interaction of chemical elements that are involved in the repair processes of cells. This leads to recovery and well-being in general.


An important function of the device is the normalization of blood circulation in the body. Under the influence of magnetic fluxes, blood counts improve, the risk of blood clots decreases.

Elasticity and permeability of vesselsincrease, there is a normal supply of cells with oxygen, proteins and immunoglobulins. Restoration of metabolism in the body excludes the emergence and development of diseases, cell regeneration is accelerated, and cells are updated.

Failures in the work of the nervous system, violationsendocrine system, insomnia-is it possible to get rid of these disorders with the help of magnetic radiation? This is possible if you use the device "Almag-01". The opinion of doctors confirms its curative effect.

Under the action of magnetic fluxes, specific hormones are produced, which favorably affects the recovery of the body’s work and cures certain hormonal disorders.

The apparatus affects absolutely all departments.organism and its organs. The most sensitive are the nervous and endocrine systems. Each organ responds to the flow of pulses emanating from the device in different ways. When the apparatus acts on the brain, complex processes begin to occur in it, which send signals to all parts of the body. It stimulates their work, reduces stress and increases the body's resistance to various diseases.


Most patients noted favorable changes only after a month of using the device. "Almag-01". Reviews of specialists who conducted sessions of magnetic therapy, confirmed this fact. However, it should be remembered that visible and sustainable improvements can be achieved only after a long and systematic use of a magnetic device.

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Symptoms of the disease, which manifested in the formpains also change after the use of the device "Almag-01". Reviews of doctors whose patients suffered from the problem of tension in the back and joints, are positive. Signs of diseases become less pronounced, severe pain goes away. At the same time, there is a good dynamics of improving the general condition of the patient, increasing vitality, improving sleep.

A large number of people have already purchased the device "Almag-01". Reviews of patients who repeatedly used this simple device, are reduced to its effectiveness.

Magnetic procedures have already helped cope withillnesses of various etymologies to many patients. The effectiveness of the device has been repeatedly confirmed by clinical trial protocols. Investigations of the device were conducted in the ICD them. Pirogov, as well as in the Moscow military sanatorium "Archangel".

Treatment of patients with endocrinecardiovascular, skin, bone diseases were carried out using the device "Almag-01". Reviews of doctors confirmed the high efficiency of the device. The maximum improvement in the patient’s health is achieved at the end of the course of treatment and persists over a long period of time.

Order of first use

If the device was subjected during transportlow temperature (less than +10 degrees), it must be kept in a warm room for at least 4 hours before being plugged into the network. Also, this procedure must be followed if the device has not been in use for a long time.

If necessary, external parts of the device can bewipe with a cloth moistened with warm water or hydrogen peroxide. The wiping interval should be about 10 minutes, and the napkin should be well wrung out so that moisture does not get inside the device.

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On the body of the electronic unit locatedbetween the device and the plug, there are two light indicators. When turned on, it lights up green and then yellow signals indicating that the device is ready for use. After 22 minutes, the lights go out, and the device stops acting. They are interconnected with the timer and are turned off automatically. Repeated use of "Almag-01" is possible only after 10 minutes.

If a breakdown occurs during use ora malfunction of the device is detected, you need to contact the seller. The manufacturer of Almag-01 will send the electrical circuit and any documentation for its repair only upon request of the service center. You will be asked to exchange the device or repair it.

Unique Features

The device "Almag-01" is an innovative inventionscientists who for many years conducted research and medical tests in leading clinics in Russia. The device is an improved version of the stationary device "Alimp". On its basis the device “Almag-01” was invented, which is its smaller version. This makes it easy to use the device at home.

In general, this amazing magnetic deviceable to relieve inflammation, swelling, relieve severe pain, insomnia and improve the work of all internal organs. Experts note that the device successfully cures both exacerbated diseases and their chronic manifestations.

However, it is worth remembering that the device has a number of contraindications, so before using it, you should consult with your doctor and carefully study the instructions.

The cost of the device "Almag-01" fluctuates inwithin 6-8 thousand rubles. This is not cheap, but given its powerful impact and a wide range of uses, after a few months of regular use you will be able to get rid of the ailments that have caused you anxiety for years. After all, the most important thing is to preserve health, live a long full-fledged life and receive from it a maximum of positive emotions!

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