/ / Do you want to ask yourself: the leg is swollen, what should I do?

Do you want to ask yourself: has the leg swelled up, what should I do?

In the body of articulations - 187, but, probably, neitherone of them does not deliver as many problems as the elbow, shoulder and knee joints. Especially the knee joints, as they are often bruised and overloaded. Many people, eating an extra cake, do not think about that every extra kilogram increases the load on our knees fourfold. If you do not want to have problems, you need to take care of your joints, learn how and what to do to prevent them, how to cure a swollen joint and how to ensure that in the future it does not happen again. What is the first remedy to relieve pain and reduce swelling, in a situation where the leg is swollen, what should I do? Apply ice and make a pressure bandage. Put your foot on a small elevation. Use ointments that relieve inflammation. Then, when the pain goes away a bit, go to the doctor immediately.

Functions of the knee joint, methods of pain relief and prevention

Our knees did not think at all about qualitysupport, if the working conditions involve standing or crawling on them (laying tiles on the floor, plumbing, etc.). A prolonged emphasis on the knees, stress on them lead to awkward positions, damaging the cartilage and connective tissue of the joints.

In America there is a Center of knee injuries,where his supervisor, J.M. Fox, conducts treatment and periodic sessions on the prevention of joint diseases. He published a book called "Save Your Knees". You can find out some of his recommendations when the knee is swollen: what to do. First apply the principle of OLLD. It is nothing but rest, ice, pressure and exaltation.

It is necessary for any attack of pain in the knee afterphysical exertion to put on the knee the ice, putting his foot on the dais and making a pressure bandage. Such a procedure well relieves pain. Do it for no more than 20-35 minutes. Warmth and heaters should be used with great care, as it contributes to the development of inflammatory processes and their spread.

What you need to do to ease the work of the knees and strengthen them

1. Reduce your weight - this is the first thing to do. The main problem with knee loads is overweight. Extra 5 kilograms load the knee several times.

2. Be wary of the knee pads, so they can push the knee cap in the knee and bring no benefit, but harm. The knee should be fitted exactly to your knee.

3. The sound of a click in the knee and the sharp pain that follows it is a sign of the detachment of the cartilage or ligament rupture. The leg was swollen. What to do? First, remove the pain, put ice on the knee and go to the doctor, not postponing to "afterwards".

4. Apply anesthetic ointments (mediprene, ibuprofen, diclofenac, advil) they relieve inflammation and pain, without affecting the stomach, like tablets. Ibuprofen significantly improves mobility of the knee joint, eliminates the effects of acute damage to the knee ligament.

5. Be sure to do strengthening exercises for the knees. The popliteal quadriceps muscles, as well as the tendons of the popliteal, must first be strengthened. When the leg was swollen, what should I do? To remove the inflammation, and then, when the knee is cured, do the following exercises to strengthen it:

• Sit on the floor, stretch your legs, under your kneesput the roller out of a twisted towel. Tighten the muscles of the leg, but do not move the foot. In a stressed state, hold the muscles for at least 35 seconds. Then relaxation. Do such exercises daily, gradually bringing the amount of stress and relaxation to 40-50 times.

• Sit on the floor, resting your back on the wall, you can put a small pillow under your waist. Stretch the leg muscles, lift the leg above the floor and hold it over the floor for 10-15 seconds. Make 3 sets of 10 lifts.

• To strengthen the hamstrings. Lie on the floor on your stomach, resting your chin on the floor. On the shin, put the load: a bag of sand, salt, coins. Lift the leg slowly and lower it. Before the leg falls to the floor, hold it for 3-4 seconds.

Monitor the load and do not overpower yourself,doing exercises through pain. Do with some effort, but do not allow any discomfort. It is important to listen to your body. If the leg is swollen as a result of overexertion, what should I do? Do the same: first remove the inflammation, go to the doctor and treat the joint, and then do exercises to strengthen it. It is absolutely unacceptable to walk with pain, wait for complications, and then for several months, or even years, suffer from joint pain.

Accidental injuries and as a result - swelling of joint or muscle tissue

Sometimes there are household injuries and accidentaldamage to the joints and muscles of the arm or leg. For example, an arm or leg can become inflamed at the site of a bite or cat scratch. Cat's saliva has a certain composition and bacteria that provoke inflammation. They are called cat scratch disease. In this case, if the hand is swollen, what should I do?

Do not panic, scratches and bites become inflamed, butthe infection does not go far. Ranks can not heal for a long time, fester. Treatment should start with the fact that it is good to rinse the wound with a hydroperitic tablet, then treat it with a green which not only disinfects well but also wounds the wounds. Spirituous tincture and iodine is best not to use and drink antibiotics, since they are useless. Kastelliani's liquid works very well, it paints the skin, but heals inflammations very well and dries them, preventing the occurrence of a purulent infection.

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