/ / Why there is a white coating on the language

Why there is a white coating on the tongue

As a rule, a white coating on the tongue indicatesabout any violations in the work of the human body. In a relatively healthy person, the tongue has a pinkish hue, sometimes with a small amount of pale plaque.
The tongue is the muscular organ, the surfacewhich is a mucosa. The cause of the appearance of a touch of a certain shade (white, yellow, black, etc.) is considered to be bacteria that accumulate in the oral cavity under the influence of this or that factor.
Not always a white touch on the tongue speaks ofpresence of serious diseases of internal organs. For example, in the hot and dry season, the thickness of the plaque is much greater than in the cold months. This is due to the fact that when changing weather conditions, the intake of vitamins and trace elements in the body is impaired, which affects the appearance of the tongue. Such a plaque has a rather thin texture, so there is no cause for concern. But if the thickness of the layer increases, it is necessary to closely monitor changes in the body and, if possible, consult a specialist for advice.
The second reason is when a whitelanguage, is the presence of an infectious disease. Of course, depending on the amount and severity of the plaque, you can determine the course of the disease. For example, a thick layer indicates an active spread of the infection, therefore immediate treatment of the plaque in the tongue is required.
Often a white coating on the tongue is a signdisruption of the intestine. As a rule, this happens when the body is poisoned or when constipation occurs. The structure of the plaque is a dense white layer. A plentiful covering of the oral cavity with a touch of white hue (including the tongue and the inner side of the cheeks) indicates a fungal disease, which is commonly called thrush. Very often this disease occurs in infants with insufficiently careful processing of personal items (nipple, bottle, mother's breast, pacifier). That is, the bacteria of the fungus enter the infant's mouth, resulting in their rapid multiplication and the formation of white plaque. Eliminating the cause and observing the rules of personal hygiene lead to an effective cure and relief from an unpleasant symptom.
If the plaque is expressed in the form of white spots, then thisis a symptom of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity. The most common cause of irritation of the mucous membrane is prolonged smoking or candidal stomatitis. Of course, the lack of treatment can lead to the fact that the malignant process begins.
When there is severe dryness in the mouth, sharpodor of ammonia and a thick layer of white coating, it is necessary to investigate the state of the kidneys. This is due to the fact that these are the most common symptoms of kidney failure, which are often accompanied by azotemia and uremia. Possible cause may be pancreatic disease.

Also appears a raid in case of a violation of workstomach. The main treatment is to limit the consumption of fatty and spicy food. It is recommended to take activated charcoal, which neutralizes the negative impact of foods on the walls of the stomach and digestive tract.
Typically, a white coating in the throat or tonguedisappears after eliminating the cause of its occurrence. First of all, you need to carefully care for the oral cavity and teeth. It is recommended that when cleaning teeth, do not forget about the surface of the tongue, on which there are a large number of bacteria eating food residues. By eliminating food particles, you get rid of harmful microbes, which are a source of unpleasant odor and the formation of white plaque.

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