/ / What is and what is useful for Irish moss? Characteristics and properties of a unique plant

What is and what is useful for Irish moss? Characteristics and properties of a unique plant

Irish moss, or as it is called"Carragen" is an amazing plant that has long been used in medicine as an antiviral and anti-inflammatory drug. In China, it has been used in medicine for more than a thousand years. You can buy it in a regular pharmacy or grow it yourself.

What is Irish moss?

Irish moss

Carrageen in nature can be found in the ocean, butnow it is grown in domestic and industrial conditions. When self-cultivating moss is not recommended to cut for three months, so that he was able to maximize the concentration in his body of medicinal components. When grown in industrial conditions after cutting moss, it is cooked in a special solution, in which alkali is added. This solution is then purified, and the resulting mass is dried and triturated. Of course, Irish moss, which is collected in natural conditions, is much more useful, because during growth in the ocean it is saturated with natural nutrients.

Where and for what use is moss?

Irish moss reviews

Irish moss is used in medicine and foodindustry. Also, an extract with the name "carrageenan" is obtained from it, which is valued for its emulsifying properties. This substance is added to tea, personal care products, tablets, creams. In cosmetic salons, carrageen is used for wrapping on the basis of seaweed, since it contains a large amount of vitamin A (this remedy has a positive effect on the skin, eliminates peeling, makes it soft and silky). In medicine Irish moss is used as a laxative, anti-inflammatory drug, it helps in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract and stomach.

Indications and contraindications for the use of this moss


Irish moss can rightfully be considered uniquemeans. It is used in medicine, cosmetology, food industry. Due to the high content of iodine, it is used for the treatment and prevention of cancer. In medicine, carrageenan is also known under the name "bryozoan styloid". Irish moss in this area is used as an excellent remedy for diarrhea, also with the help of it, stomach diseases are treated. It is believed that carragen allows you to quickly and effectively rid the patient of hangover syndrome, all due to the fact that it contains a huge amount of trace elements that help restore the ionic balance of the body. Many argue that this tool helps to get rid of extra pounds, although this has not yet been proven. Irish moss is also actively used in the cosmetic industry. It is added to creams, soap, toothpaste. Due to the high content of vitamins in the composition, moss has a beneficial effect on the whole body, improves the skin and slows down the aging process.

Recipes using Irish moss

Irish moss

Recipes using Irish mossthere is a huge amount. The easiest way to prepare a decoction is based on this remedy. Here is his recipe: 50 grams of moss is poured with three glasses of water and boiled for half an hour. They let it cool down. Use the received liquid no more than four times a day before eating 150 ml each. The course of treatment is from 15 to 20 days. Like any other remedy, the bryozoan (Irish moss) has its contraindications for use. It is not recommended for pregnant women, young children under two years old, as well as for elderly people and those who are hypersensitive to components. Under the close supervision of the doctor Irish moss should be consumed and people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. During treatment, moss can not be used together with antipyretics.

Reviews about carrageenum

Everyone who used Irish moss, reviews about itleave only positive. Its beneficial effect is noted already on the second-third day of use. In addition to the treatment of the above diseases, carrageenum helps restore the general tone of the body, improve well-being. Many people say that with the help of it you can get rid of toxins in the intestines and extra pounds. When children use Irish moss, there is an improvement in appetite and well-being, and overall activity also increases.

Negative reviews also have a place to be, butthey are left mainly by those people who used Irish moss incorrectly or in high dosages. Like any other tool, it must be used, clearly following all recommendations and regulations. Then there will be no side effects and unpleasant consequences. Irish moss is an almost harmless food additive, but in any case, before using it for food, it is best to consult your doctor. This is necessary in order to avoid possible unpleasant consequences. Using recipes with Irish moss without consulting a doctor is possible, but remember that in this case, you take full responsibility for your health and possible side effects only on yourself.

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