/ / "Fitomycil Slim Smart": reviews, description, instruction

"Fitomycil Slim Smart": reviews, description, instruction

Who among us does not want to be slim and fit? After all, the lack of excess weight - this is one of the components of a healthy body. Someone has free time in order to regularly engage in sports and eat right, and someone does not have any free time, or, most importantly, willpower, to force himself to comply with the regime.

In order to stimulate the human body toweight loss, today a lot of medicines have been developed. However, medicines are medicines: synthetic preparations based on chemical compounds, as a rule, are effective when used for their intended purpose, but can cause harm, have an adverse negative effect on human organs and systems. It is quite another matter - biologically active additives to food. Here and the harm is minimal, and the composition of such funds, as a rule, includes components of natural origin. One of such natural preparations is "Fitomycil Slim Smart". Comments of consumers characterize the drug as an effective tool for regulating the work of the digestive tract, reducing appetite and, as a consequence, a gradual decrease in body weight.

Component composition and form of food supplements

The main components of the drug "Fitomycil SlimSmart "are chopped plum fruit and psyllium seed husks. The ratio of the components to each other is 5: 1, respectively. In one sachet of supplement contains 5 mg of fiber. BAA is offered to consumers in the form of powder in bags of 5 mg each. Those patients who want only to try Fitomycil and evaluate its effectiveness, can get a package of 10 sachets from pharmacies. Also this form of release is convenient for those who are going on a trip or to rest and take a dietary supplement, as they say, just in case.

phytomycleslim smart reviews

For those who take the remedy for weight loss"Fitomycil Slim Smart" (the instruction contains full information about the mode of administration and dosages), the manufacturer offers a package of 30 bags. It is enough for a longer period, and you can take several packets to work with yourself.

People who are supposed to take a dietary supplementfor a long period of time, or if the drug is intended for use by all family members, it is best and more economically advantageous to purchase Fitomycil from the bank (250 mg). From such containers the medicine is used from the calculation: 2 teaspoons - 1 sachet.

Principle of operation

"Fitomycil Slim Smart", whose composition isfiber soluble fiber, it is recommended to dilute in a glass of water (1 sachet) or any unsweetened drink (kefir, juice, drinking yogurt) and drink before eating. Then you need to drink an extra glass of pure still water.

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Getting into the stomach, cellulose absorbs water,increases in volume and is converted to gel. The gel fills the cavity of the stomach, resulting in a feeling of saturation, that is, a person's sense of hunger is weakened, and he does not overeat. Moving along the intestine, the gel-like mass softens the stool deposits, as a result of which they are easily removed from the body.

"Fitomycil Slim Smart", description of the principle of workwhich is understandable to any consumer, is mixed with food taken at meal time. Cellulose, present in dietary supplements, slows down the absorption of nutrients, the sharp fluctuations in blood sugar level stop, which in a complex makes it possible to avoid attacks of hunger. Fiber fibers reduce the rate of absorption of fats and carbohydrates in the intestines, which, in turn, significantly reduces the caloric intake of food. In addition, fiber is a wonderful absorbent that helps to remove body products and toxins from food from the body.

Thus, "Fitomycil Slim Smart" instruction,reviews of consumers and health workers are described as a means of reducing caloric content of food and giving a feeling of saturation. As a consequence, a person does not overeat, and his weight decreases without any emotional and mental stress, which is very important for the organism.

Indications for taking Fitomycil Slim Smart

instruction manual

"Fitomycil Slim Smart" instruction recommendsTake with a number of problems associated with digestion and overweight. The drug will be effective as a component of complex therapy with a decrease in body weight. You can use a medication to treat functional (habitual) constipation and irritable bowel syndrome with a predominance of constipation. The attending physician can recommend a supplement for complex treatment of hemorrhoids, cracks in the rectum.

Fitomycil Slim Smart consumer reviewspositively evaluated with therapy of the dysbacteriosis of the gastrointestinal tract. The efficacy of the drug with a high content of cholesterol and sugar in the blood is described. Well, among other things, the use of this dietary supplement is a good way to increase the intake of dietary fiber, which often is not enough. Normally, the human body needs to get up to 35 grams of fiber within a day, but in fact receives no more than 15, which is not enough to ensure the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Who is contraindicated taking a dietary supplement?

As for any medicine, let it beand not a complex medicine, but a biologically active additive, there are contraindications for the use of dietary supplements "Fitomycil." Instruction and health workers do not recommend taking it to those who are hypersensitive to the main components of dietary supplements. People with individual intolerance may develop diarrhea, inflammatory processes in the intestine, there is a possibility of allergic manifestations in the form of urticaria, swelling on the surface of the skin.

It is unacceptable to take Fitomycil Slim Smart(consumer reviews and recommendations of doctors confirm this) to those patients who suffer from any gastrointestinal diseases, intestinal obstruction or digestive problems, acute inflammatory diseases. You can not combine "Fitomycil" and oral contraceptives.

Varieties of the drug

Currently, the manufacturer offersconsumers three varieties of dietary supplements. "Fitomycil Slim Smart" is recommended for regulating appetite and reducing body weight. To control the level of cholesterol in the blood, Fitomycil Holestenorm is used. The third type of "Fitomycil Norm" dietary supplement recommends the use of the regimen for regular release of the intestine. All complexes contain in their composition natural components that stimulate and enhance the specific effect of each product on the human body.

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What to look for: peculiarities of application of dietary supplements

In order to normalize the workgastrointestinal tract, experts recommend taking the drug courses, daily from 2 to 4 bags per day. Usually the treatment period is 1 month. Then you need to take a break and, if necessary, repeat the course again.

Diluted in water powder will resembletasteless jelly. In order to achieve a tangible weight loss, "Fitomycil" instruction recommends combining with a low-calorie diet. However, it should be noted that such a set of measures (dietary supplement and diet) should not be used by people who lead an active and eventful lifestyle and work lifestyle, since this can lead to exhaustion of the body.

Before you start taking "Fitomycil Slim Smart" (photo of the drug and recommendations are given in the article), it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

Patients with diabetes mellitus can also use bioadditives to reduce body weight.

In order for the drug to be as effective as possible, and the fat decay products are excreted as fully as possible, it is recommended that 1.5-2 liters of water be consumed during the day.

Duration of intake of dietary supplements

Nutritional experts say that the mostA safe rate of weight loss is from 2 to 4 kg per month. If the process of losing weight will be forced and go more intensively, it will become a serious stress for the body. And the result will be short-lived.

Burning of fatty deposits (i.e., true weight loss) can occur only with a smooth decrease in body weight and simultaneous acceleration of metabolic processes. In order to lose weight successfully, the use of "Fitomycil Slim Smart", which most patients have positive responses, with a decrease in calorie content and regular physical exercises (it is necessary to try not to overdo it) will be correct.

Thus, it is perfectly permissible to takemeans throughout the period of weight loss, and when the desired result is achieved, you can continue taking 1 packet of dietary supplements per day as a maintenance dose.

Standard reception scheme

As mentioned earlier, the remedy "FitomycilSlim Smart "instruction, reviews of experts and consumers recommend taking before meals. Patients older than 14 years can take 1 packet (2 teaspoons) from 1 to 4 times during the day. A single dose is mixed in a glass of water, kefir, juice, yogurt or any unsweetened drink and is drunk. Then you have to drink another glass of clean, still water.

phytomycleslim feedback

In order to avoid negative consequenceswhen using bioadditives, the dose should be increased gradually. During the first week, 1-2 packets will be enough for one day (2-4 teaspoons), then the daily dose can be increased to 3-4 packets (6-8 teaspoons).

Consumer opinion

Patients in the bulk of the drug"Fitomycil Slim" reviews leave a positive character. Those who wanted to lose weight, achieved positive results, but most focuses on the fact that the process of reducing body weight was not rapid, the weight decreased gradually. If the consumer followed the diet in addition to taking dietary supplements, the result was manifested more quickly and was more stable.

Female consumers say that the drugproved to be quite effective in the fight against constipation after childbirth and quickly and efficiently normalized the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, some pregnant women took a dietary supplement during pregnancy. And "Fitomycil" has justified itself as a safe and effective remedy for cleansing the intestines.

fytomycil instruction reviews

A separate group of people took the drugat a time, as a laxative. "Fitomycil" and here was on top. The bowel is released gently, smoothly, without any swelling, unpleasant sensations and "sudden signals".

Feedback from medical professionals

The majority of medical specialists consider"Fitomycil" effective dietary supplement, when you need to reduce weight and regulate the work of the digestive tract. The effectiveness of this natural remedy with unbalanced and irregular nutrition is proved. Positive results can be achieved if you apply Fitomycil (instructions, consumer reviews confirm the presence of such effects) for the normalization of intestinal motility, in the treatment of diverticulosis. It will be useful to take dietary supplements to people leading a sedentary lifestyle, suffering from hypothyroidism. For preventive purposes, the doctor can recommend "Fitomycil" for the prevention of colon cancer.

However, there is a contrary opinion of expertsabout this drug. The official website of the manufacturer says that Fitomycil works thanks to 5 mechanisms of action: it depresses appetite, inhibits (slows down) digestion in the intestine of fats and carbohydrates, lowers the caloric intake of food, helps cleanse the intestines and removes toxins. According to some experts, a decrease in appetite and a slowdown in the processes of assimilation of fats and carbohydrates can be considered worthy of attention from these five mechanisms. The remaining 3 - are contrived and do not affect the effectiveness of "Fitomycil".

phytomycleslim smart description

It would be incorrect to say that "Fitomycil SlimSmart "is a useless additive, and it will not help losing weight. It really helps to reduce appetite and under certain conditions will contribute to weight loss, is well tolerated by patients and has virtually no side effects. Take this dietary supplement for a long time and without visible damage to health.

In short, opinions about "Fitomycil" can bediametrically opposite. However, the fact that the additive consists of natural ingredients does not contain any complex chemical compounds, dyes, sugar, diuretics and senna, and nevertheless has proved to be an effective means for reducing body weight and regulating the digestive tract, speaks for itself. And consumers who positively assess the properties of "Fitomycil" in all its varieties are much more than skeptics.

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