/ / Increased night sweats in women: the causes

Increased night sweats in women: the causes

Often, the fair sexcomplain of increased sweating at night. Night sweating in women, whose causes can be completely different, delivers not only aesthetic discomfort, but also interferes with normal sleep and rest. Many do not attach this syndrome of special significance, but such a problem can signal the development of certain diseases. If during the night you have to regularly wake up from unpleasant sensations and change clothes, this is already cause for concern.

night sweats in women causes

Why does sweating appear in women at night?

Is it always a sign of illness?increased night sweats in women? The reasons for this state can be related to external factors. It is important to maintain the optimum level of humidity and temperature in the room. To normal night sweating often leads to normal overheating. It is desirable that clothes for sleep be made of natural materials. An incorrectly selected blanket can also cause overheating of the body. Before going to bed, you need to ventilate the room and make sure that the temperature in the room does not exceed 20 ° C.

Strong night sweats can be facilitated by drinking before going to bed alcoholic beverages, coffee, too spicy or spicy dishes, garlic.
If all the above-mentioned moments are eliminated, andthe situation does not change, so it is necessary to search for the cause inside the body. To do this, you need to undergo a medical examination and establish what triggered the onset of such an unpleasant symptom, like night sweats in women. The reasons can be very diverse.

night sweats in women

Hormonal disorders

The main cause of this condition is hormonalviolations. During the menopause, during PMS, in the presence of inflammatory gynecological diseases in the body, there is a violation of the natural balance of hormones. This leads to malfunctions in the thermoregulation system, which contributes to increased sweating.

Night sweating in women is observed during the period of bearing of the child. In this case, this is a natural process and should not cause concern. After birth, everything will be fine.

In the climacteric it is timecardinal changes in the female body. There is a sharp decrease in the level of estrogen, the woman's state of health worsens. The lack of hormones provokes an increase in thermoregulation.

A woman needs a consultation with a gynecologist,which will determine the causes of night sweats and will prescribe the necessary treatment in order to restore the hormonal balance in the body. Preliminary appointed the necessary tests. As a treatment, medications are usually prescribed, which help maintain the desired level of hormones.

night sweating of the head in women

Infectious diseases

When there is a problem like nightsweating in women, the causes of which are not clear, you need to consult a therapist. Perhaps such a phenomenon is a sign of a disease. After the examination, the doctor will establish a diagnosis or appoint an additional examination from other specialists.

A strong night sweating in women is oftena sign of the infectious process. The body struggles with the pathogen, by the evening the body temperature becomes elevated, which leads to a profuse sweat secretion.

Such symptoms can be observed with a lung abscess, infectious mononucleosis, HIV, tuberculosis, endocarditis.

Disorders of the endocrine system

About endocrine disorders testifiessweating of some parts of the body. Most often, there is a night sweating of the head in women. Sweating is also increased in the area of ​​the axillae and neck. The reason can be in excessive activity of the thyroid gland, hyperthyroidism, the presence of diabetes, inadequate ovarian function, the development of infectious processes.

Rheumatological diseases

If the functioning of the connectingtissue that manifests itself in the form of arteritis, there may also be a profuse sweating at night. Such cases are accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms.

severe night sweats in women


Another reason for this condition -malignant tumors. Increased sweating at night can indicate the presence of such formidable diseases as leukemia, Hodgkin's disease. Changes that occur in the blood become the cause of changes in body temperature, which is manifested by excessive sweating at night.

Vegetosovascular dystonia

If a woman has vegetovascularviolations, then it will strongly sweat the individual parts of the body. It occurs under the influence of constant stresses, chronic fatigue syndrome, increased emotionality.

Drug administration

Night sweats can be an individual reaction to taking certain medications. Usually, after the course of treatment is over, unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Acute poisoning

Another reason for the development of this unpleasant symptom is acute poisoning. Moreover, in addition to increased sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, high fever and abdominal pain are observed.

In addition, excessive sweating at nightday may indicate the presence of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, chronic eosinophilic pneumonia, chronic fatigue syndrome, depressive states, granulomatous disease, lymph node hyperplasia, diabetes insipidus, Prinzmetal syndrome.

How to avoid increased night sweats

If the cause of such unpleasant symptoms is not in any disease, then you can try to eliminate them or at least reduce them. For this you need:

increased night sweats in women causes

  • avoid stressful situations, learn to calmly react to what is happening around;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • start playing sports that will provide a sound sleep;
  • often walk in the open air;
  • to strengthen the body to start the morning with a contrasting shower;
  • regularly undergo medical examinations.

It is important not to forget that self-medication can lead to negative consequences. Such a condition as night sweats in women, whose causes are not clear, is an occasion to visit a doctor.

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