/ / Multi Tabs Intensive

Multi Tabs Intensive

The human organism now, as never before,vitamins are needed. The reason for the urgent need lies in the unfavorable ecological situation, in the absence of these very vitamins in foods, as well as the fast, sometimes simply frenetic pace of life, when once to lie in the sun, go to the village and eat fresh fruits and vegetables. The lack of important trace elements manifests itself in various forms of malaise. Sometimes a person starts to treat this or that problem, without understanding and not realizing that the reason is a lack of vitamins.

At present there is an effective remedygetting rid of this vitamin deficiency. It is not necessary to buy tons of fruits and vegetables, especially as the vitamin composition of foods leaves much to be desired. It is enough to come to the pharmacy and buy a vitamin complex Multi tabs intensively. Now a little more about this drug.

Packing and form of release

Vitamins Multi tabs are produced in the form oftablets, coated with a yellow coating. They have an oval shape, biconvexity and risk for division. If the tablet is broken, you can see different colors of small blotches on a common yellow background.

Pharmacological action of the drug

Vitamins Multi tabs intensivelyCombined drug, which contains a whole complex of different vitamins and minerals. Its pharmacological action is entirely due to the constituent elements.

Vitamin A - enables the human bodydevelop and function normally. With a lack of it, the resistance to infectious diseases is significantly reduced. Also, the vitamin normalizes the visual function. Vitamin D - protects and strengthens human bone tissue. Because they are much less susceptible to osteoporosis and fractures. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that stimulates and improves the level of immunity, which is also an ideal means for preventing premature aging. The drug has a full group of vitamins B. These elements play a very important role in the metabolism of the human body. They promote the excellent functioning of the skin of the skin, affect the normal functioning of the nervous system, both peripheral and central. There is also vitamin C, which normalizes the level of cholesterol and greatly contributes to increasing the immune resistance of the body to various kinds of infections. Important components of Multi Tabs are intensive components such as iodine, iron, calcium, folic acid and so on. Without them, the level of work of vital functions also decreases.


It is used for the prevention or treatment of allforms of vitamin deficiencies and a lack of minerals. Experts advise to include daily intake of the drug with increased intellectual and physical exertion. Also irreplaceable for psycho-emotional stress and stress. If a diet is observed or for some other reason there is no adequate nutrition, it is also necessary to take this vitamin complex.


The drug is for adults, for children there is a special form. So, children from 12 years and adults are recommended to take one tablet a day during meals and drink with water.


If there is an individual intolerance to the components or age younger than 12 years, do not take Multi tabs intensively. Reviews are in the bulk of their positive.

There are also specific instructions for usevitamins. Multi tabs should not be mixed intensively with other similar complexes, so that there is no overdose. And also it is not recommended to increase the daily dose.

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