/ / Schizophrenia: is it inherited?

Schizophrenia: is it inherited?

People suffering from mental illness and disorders are not uncommon. Inadequate behavior, violation of thought processes, disconnected thoughts, hallucinations are frequent companions of such diseases.

From time immemorial, many generations were interested in the questionthe role of heredity in mental illness. It was not uncommon to discuss among friends about strangeness of this or that person, where facts of inadequate behavior and disorders from one of his relatives surfaced. All this convinced that in the case of marriage with a young lady or gentleman, whose family was native, suffering from mental illness, there was a risk of mental disorders in born children - their descendants.

This problem is actual in the presenttime. One of the most common mental illnesses is schizophrenia. Disease, equally affecting representatives of both male and female. Women - in the later age category and in a less severe degree. At least 1% of the world's population suffers from the disease. Including the disease affects children. And it is not surprising that many directly related to this type of disorder are concerned with the question: is schizophrenia inherited?

The marriage of young people, one of whichsuffers from a disorder, their relatives and friends apply for an answer to psychiatric doctors, hoping to dispel their doubts about the possibility of manifestations of schizophrenia in the expected offspring.

At various forums, both among stakeholders, their entourage, and among medical professionals, the problem rises - schizophrenia: is it inherited?

A number of sources on mental disorders distinguish several causes of this disease.

Data from numerous studies in the field ofschizophrenia - inherited ambiguously. At present, the mechanisms of this disease are comprehensively studied. Diagnostic tests of the patients are conducted, and various categories, different versions are put forward, symptoms are treated, conclusions are drawn. The results of most studies still confirm the fact that schizophrenia is inherited. The number of children who have fallen ill in the families of parents suffering from the disorder is quite significant and may amount to 20%, according to some tests. The most likely risk of diseases in children, as well as adults, in families where their parents, sisters and brothers are sick, that is, relatives in a straight line. Very high risk of morbidity among twins. This can not be ignored by researchers and confirms the fact of a high degree of hereditary conditionality of this disorder. However, some tests conducted, however, put this factor in doubt, motivating their conclusions by the fact that a large number of people get sick without having relatives among the people affected by this ailment. Recently, researchers from Columbia University (United States of America) expressed their doubts and put forward assumptions in this field.

Recently, researchers, asked andinterested in the problem: "schizophrenia - inherited or not," are more inclined to the influence of the environment, including those suffering from this disease, on the development of the disease in humans. Pointing out in his tests the importance of the environment in which the afflicted person grew, and the degree of his upbringing by a sick relative.

Nevertheless, unequivocal conclusions denyingthe factor of heredity in the development of the disease, has not been done to date. This does not allow to completely refute the theory that schizophrenia is inherited.

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