/ / Hoars voice: what to do? Let's turn to folk medicine

A hoarse voice: what can I do? Let's turn to folk medicine

There may be several reasons for hoarseness. First of all, these are the transferred diseases (sore throat, laryngitis or cold), which resulted in inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx.

hoarse voice what to do
Hypotension also occurs when thisthe shell itself during singing or long verbal communication. At the same time, there is a desire to clear your throat or drink water. Also, the long or sharp tension of the larynx (screaming, raising the voice) contributes to changes in the voice. Strangely enough, but the problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract are also the cause of hoarseness: gastric juice, getting into the larynx during eructation, irritates it, causes dryness.

How to cure a hoarse voice at home

Often coping with the problem can beyourself. You do not need to buy medicines for this, it's enough to use folk remedies. The proposed methods are divided into two types: for emergency recovery of voice and longer procedures.

Emergency voice recovery

It so happened that you have a hoarse voice. What if you need to restore it urgently, because you, for example, participate in a concert or conduct a children's party? In this case, they use means that are able to help the ligaments in the shortest possible time.

  1. For most people, it's no secret that mulled wine (warm wine on herbs) can restore voice overnight.
    hoarse voice treatment
  2. In the same short time the problem will cope with the problemcognac. Only take it you need not in pure form, but as follows: in 50 g of a warm drink to dissolve 3 tsp. liquid honey and 3 drops of lemon juice. To drink a mix it is necessary warm, at once all.
  3. Strangely enough, but to return the voice by the morning it is possible withusing eggs. Whip 2 protein with 2 tsp. sugar and 50 g cognac. To drink "medicine" it is necessary as follows: 1 sip a cocktail drink 1 sip of warm water, and so before the emptying of the container.

Restore the voice of the day

You woke up in the morning and realized that there was a hoarse voice. What if the emergency methods are not entirely acceptable? There is one wonderful proven recipe. To prepare the medicine you need anise seeds (half cup), hot water (glass), lime honey (1/4 cup) and cognac (1 tablespoon). Seeds pour into a saucepan, add water and boil for 15 minutes. Then add the honey and boil the mixture again. Remove the saucepan from the heat and pour into its contents cognac. Taking every half hour for 1 tbsp. a spoonful of this miracle means, you can return your voice in a day.

Treating hoarseness with available methods

There are in folk medicine some more proven effective recipes that will help if the voice is hoarse. What to do at home without resorting to the use of medication?

  1. how to cure a hoarse voice
    Broth from bran. This is a fairly affordable, and effective way. To prepare the broth you need to take 400 grams of bran (wheat or oat) and boil them for several minutes in 2 liters of water. Then strain, add honey to taste and drink the broth warm. This drink not only helps to return the voice, it also positively affects the work of the digestive tract.
  2. Horseradish always differed in its healing properties. If hoarse voice, what to do with horseradish, how to apply it? It is necessary to prepare a tincture based on this root. To do this, a small piece of raw materials must be crushed, pour 70 ml of boiling water, cover and insist for 15-20 minutes. Drink infusion should be warm, several times a day, in small sips.

If you have a hoarse voice, treatment should begin.as early as possible, until the ligaments and larynx are not subjected to strong tension. At this time, try to talk less and do not even try to communicate in a whisper. It hurts the vocal cords even more.

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