/ / Hiccups of the fetus

Hiccups of the fetus

In many cases, the first movementsFetus inside the womb gives the mother joy. However, some of them can bring some discomfort. And in some cases, a pregnant woman can doubt the normal state of her baby.

Often, especially in later periods (as a rule, inthird trimester or a little earlier), there are very pronounced rhythmic contractions. Many experts call this phenomenon "hiccup of the fetus."

It should be noted that such cuts can last ten, twenty minutes, and in some cases longer. The longer the hiccup of the fetus, the more discomfort it delivers.

According to many experts aboutOn the twenty-eighth week the embryo acquires the ability to suck and begins to try to breathe. This results in a slight ingestion of the amniotic fluid, which, in turn, provokes diaphragm contractions. Thus, the "hiccup of the fetus" arises. As many experts believe, in the manifestation of this state there is nothing terrible. On the contrary, for pregnant women this is a favorable sign, indicating that all systems, including the central nervous system, develop normally in the embryo. In addition, such a manifestation is an unconditioned reflex and is present in almost all children. And it is laid during intrauterine development. As a rule, after reaching this period, the child already knows how to yawn. In addition, experts believe that the hiccup of the fetus does not cause any unpleasant sensations or inconvenience, but on the contrary, it is safe.

In many cases, women do not feelno abdominal contractions. This, does not mean that the child is not okay. The fact is that for every woman is characterized by a threshold of sensitivity. So, some mothers are not able to catch the baby's signals, others react even to minor movements. In addition, not all children show the same maximum activity. Some, for example, hiccup very pronouncedly and very long, while others - give barely perceptible or completely unnoticeable signals.

However, it is necessary to say about another, extremelyA disappointing version of the occurrence of prolonged contractions in the embryo. Supporters of this explanation say that the hiccup of the fetus is a sign of inadequate supply of oxygen. Through abbreviations the embryo tries to fill this "starvation". Therefore, in many cases, complaints about a hiccup manifestation inside the abdomen are prescribed treatment for hypoxia.

It should be noted that the settingThis diagnosis on the basis of only intrauterine contractions is unacceptable. Oxygen starvation is accompanied by other symptoms, the presence or absence of which should be checked. These signs may include increased activity during fetal movements, sudden increase in intensity or increase in the duration of contractions. Undoubtedly, gynecologists, when manifesting complaints, prescribe special additional studies. So, for detection of hypoxia, ultrasound with dopplerometry or cardiotocography of the fetus is used.

However, experts still recommend pregnant womenwomen look at things more positively. In many cases, as practice shows, the hiccups of the fetus are not a cause for concern and are unlikely to harm the health. Many women experienced such manifestations, but there was no question of hypoxia of the embryo.

For maintenance of a normal condition experts recommend to take in food useful products, more often to walk on fresh air.

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