/ / Avizor lens solution: rules of application and dignity

Solution for lenses "Avizor": rules of application and dignity

"Avizor" is a preparation intended for cleaningcontact lenses. Over the years, it has proved its effectiveness. The trade name of this solution is Avisor Unique Sensitive. It is perfectly suitable for all types of lenses, including silicone hydrogel. The solution "Avizor" reviews has only positive, including from doctors. Its effectiveness and ease of use are noted.

Structure of the preparation

The solution for the lenses "Avizor Unique Sensitive" contains the following elements:

  • the sodium salt of hyaluronic acid;
  • ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid;
  • Pluronic;
  • antiseptics (concentration is 0.0001% in the buffer solution).

lens solution

Thus, the solution has a unique composition,which provides comfortable wearing of contact lenses and reliable protection for sensitive eyes. The solution for lenses "Avizor" is able to effectively perform the following functions:

  • clean and neutralize traces of protein;
  • eliminate pathogenic microbes;
  • rinse;
  • preserve the natural biological environment;
  • to process and moisten the sensitive shell of the eyes.

The order of application of "Avizora"

In order for the result from using the drug Avisor Unique Sensitive to be maximum and long, it is recommended that the following rules be observed:

  • Before using the lens, the hands should be sanitized. They should be washed thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Put one lens on a clean hand and apply a few drops of the solution, then wipe it completely, then do the same on the other.
  • To process lenses with a solution of "Avisor Unique Sensitive".
  • Fill the container with the container and put the lenses there so that they are completely immersed in the liquid.
    solution avisor reviews
  • In order to completely disinfect the products, they should be kept in the solution of Avisor Unique Sensitive for a minimum of four hours, and it is better to leave it overnight in this condition.
  • In the morning, you can wear lenses. If desired, before use, you can rinse them again with a solution, and then use as directed.
  • It is necessary to strictly observe the purity of the container, changing the solution for lenses "Avizor" with a frequency of once a day. It is not recommended to wash the container with tap water.

Additional recommendations

The solution "Avisor Unique Sensitive" has andadditional recommendations that should be followed if you want to wear contact lenses to give you only positive emotions. To ensure that they are clean and do not damage your eyes, we recommend that you follow the following tips:

  • The container with a solution should be used within three months after its opening;
  • Store the container best closed because the solution may prematurely become unusable;
  • Do not use the product in case of damage to the container, including due to factory rejection;
    solution avisor
  • After immersing the lens in a container with a solution, keep them in this state for no longer than one month from the day of immersion;
  • To exclude possibility even casual hit of a solution in an organism;
  • store the drug best in a place where children can not reach, in order to avoid swallowing a solution;
  • when storing the solution, it is necessary to observe the regime of thermal comfort;
  • The tip of the vial should be protected from contact with any surface to avoid contamination of the solution;
  • If eye irritation occurs after using the solution, consult an ophthalmologist;
  • In case of need of medical procedures of eyes it is necessary to warn the doctor about wearing your lenses.


Like any other drug, the solution "AvizorUnique Sensitive "has some contraindications, therefore it should be appointed after consultation of the ophthalmologist. The doctor is obliged to give all necessary recommendations on its use and to warn about possible consequences after application.

solution avisor is unique

The doctor will be able to determine exactly what is appropriate inyour case "Avizor" or not. This will take into account the material from which the lenses are made, the frequency of their use, the state of the eyes and the composition of the tear fluid. The product has a certificate and expiration date, which is indicated on the package. After the expiration of this period, use of the drug is not recommended. The solution for lenses "Avizor" is characterized by its efficiency and ease of use. But before using it, be sure to visit an ophthalmologist and carefully follow its recommendations.

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