Symptoms of neuroses, criteria for their definition and classification
For a long time you had a busy schedule forwork, and at night you finish what you could not do in the daytime. And now you are ready to pounce on your colleagues or, conversely, start rolling incomprehensible hysterics. Is it time to turn to a psychiatrist? No, you have not gone mad, but it is possible that you can see the symptoms of neuroses.
Neurosis is the name for a group of psychogenic (notconfuse with mental) disorders of reversible type. In a simple way, one can say - a disorder of the nervous system under the influence of certain factors. Although this term has not yet been unambiguously defined. It was revealed that almost all people have this disease. But its manifestations are different. Someone has a violent reaction, and someone quiet for the time being.
Criteria for detecting neurosis and the causes of its occurrence
From a mental disorder, neuroses are distinguished by the selection criteria. It:
- reversible nature of the disorder;
- lack of dementia, personality changes;
- maintaining a critical assessment of their behavior;
- the main role of psychogenic factors in the emergence and development of manifestations.
The causes of neuroses areconflicts (internal or external) and various circumstances leading to psychological trauma or emotional overstrain. Naturally, the reaction depends on the characteristics of a particular nervous system and its "fitness". Therefore, someone gets a neurosis, going through the exams, and someone remains mentally balanced, even in more serious psychological situations. There are two groups of factors that influence human resistance to neuroses:
- biological - features of the nervous system of the individual;
- psychological - the characteristics of the individual, the conditions for her upbringing and maturation, surrounding the society and the level of claims.
Symptoms of Neuroses
Symptoms of neuroses can be different. Let's consider the main ones.
Psychic symptoms of neuroses are associated with psychological and emotional manifestations:
- anxiety and tearfulness;
- resentment and vulnerability;
- problems with self-esteem;
- quick change of mood;
- disability of communication;
- emotional trouble;
- various phobias and fears;
- other symptoms associated with the psychological state of a person.
The physical symptoms of neuroses are associated with the appearance of various failures in the body:
- increased fatigue;
- constant feeling of fatigue for no apparent reason;
- insomnia;
- pain in the heart, abdomen or head;
- a violation of appetite;
- vegetative-vascular dystonia;
- vegetative disorders;
- in some cases, sexual disorders;
- other symptoms of physical manifestation.
Separation of neuroses into groups
Many doctors-psychiatrists adhere to various schemes of specific separations of neuroses. This is due to the list of selectable criteria. The most common is the division into the following groups:
- Hysteria. Underestimation or ignoring of existing conditions.
- Neurasthenia. The main reason is an inflated bar and the inability to match it.
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder. The main reason is a negative event that the person had to endure (fear of its recurrence).
Vegetative dysfunction and neurosis in children
With neuroses, there is a breakdown not onlysomatic nervous system (obeys the mind), but also the autonomic nervous system. It is responsible for the work of internal organs and works automatically. Her disorder is called vegetative neurosis (autonomic dysfunction will be more correct).
The rigidity of the modern world has not bypassed andchildren. To date, signs of neurosis in a child of school age, and sometimes younger - is by no means a rarity. The most common are children's nervousness (parents rarely pay attention to it), neuroses of fear and obsessive movements, stammering and other forms. You can not ignore children's neuroses. They can lead to mental disorders.
All neuroses, be it children or adults, are treated long enough (some up to 5-7 years). But we must not forget that these states are reversible and not hopeless.