/ Why a tank is needed. sowing?

Why you need a tank. sowing?

Today the tank. sowing is an irreplaceable analysis for venereologists, urologists, gynecologists, dermatologists and other specialists. This study helps not only to identify the causative agent of the disease, but also to find out its quantity and preparations, to which it is sensitive. This information is necessary in order to prescribe an effective treatment.

The test material is placed in the laboratory inA favorable environment that promotes the multiplication of microorganisms. The temperature regime is very important here. Then the doctor examines the grown bacteria in a microscope and identifies them. In addition, the degree of growth of the pathogen in CFU / ml is necessarily determined.

Then the sensitivity of the sownmicroorganisms to antibiotics. The fact is that the resistance of bacteria to drugs has become a serious problem today. This leads to uncontrolled reception. Therefore, so important antibioticogram, which allows the doctor from the entire spectrum of drugs to choose an effective drug.

Today, a tank is being built. sowing from the cervical canal, vagina, urethra, eyes, ear, nose, as well as urine, saliva, bile, prostate juice, blood, feces, cerebrospinal fluid and pleural fluid. The main advantage of the method is high accuracy. However, its serious shortcoming is the duration of implementation, which can reach a week.

This makes it impossible to use the methodwhen the treatment should be administered quickly, for example, with some acute inflammatory processes. So for acute cystitis and pyelonephritis tank. Urine culture is usually not done. Although sometimes it is still performed to clarify the treatment scheme after the outcome is ready. However, it must be taken into account that the material must be taken before therapy.

In general, high requirements for patient preparation, collection, transportation and analysis of the material are a drawback of the method. Violations at any stage may lead to a serious distortion of the results.

Despite the use in many areasmedicine, the most widespread this study has received in venereology, gynecology and urology. Most often, doctors appoint a tank. sowing on the ureaplasma and mycoplasma, as well as chlamydia, Trichomonas and gonococci. Although for the detection of the last three pathogens, PCR is increasingly being used today. The undoubted advantage of the method is the speed of execution at high sensitivity.

To detect mycoplasma and ureaplasmas morethe tank is actual. sowing since they can normally be present in the body. Therefore, it is important not so much their availability, which can be a variant of the norm, but a quantity. These microorganisms cause a pathological process only with rapid growth and large numbers.

Highly sensitive PCR reveals even a fewDNA of the pathogen in the preparation. And it can give a positive result, even if there are microorganisms already killed with the help of antibiotics, but still present for some time in the body. This often occurs when controlling the treatment and is excluded when sowing is used.

Gynecologists quite often designate a tank. sowing on the flora to assess the condition of the reproductive system. Usually a swab for this is taken from the vagina, but sometimes also from the cervical canal and urethra. These three points are close and usually have a similar flora and problems. This study helps to identify the causative agent of nonspecific colpitis, as well as cervicitis and urethritis.

So, the tank. sowing helps a doctor identify the pathogen, evaluate its activity and sensitivity to the drugs and prescribe an effective treatment. This study is used in various fields of medicine, but it is widely used in venereology, urology and gynecology.

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