/ / Genital herpes in men: treatment

Genital herpes in men: treatment

A variety of herpes infection, manifestedthe defeat of the skin of the genitals and mucous membranes, is genital herpes. In men, the treatment of such a disease is aimed at removing symptoms. It is unfortunately impossible to completely eliminate the virus from the body.

herpes in men causes
Genital herpes in men: causes

Usually, infection with the virus (type 1) happens even moreIn childhood, when in contact with an infected person, for example, during a kiss of a mother or father. Also, the transmission of infection occurs through household items containing fragments of the saliva of the infected person that has not yet dried out. A type 2 virus enters the body during close physical contact, including sexual contact.

Symptoms of herpes in men

The virus that usually enters the body does not entailno symptoms, it can be detected only by performing a special blood test. But in some cases it happens that the virus begins to multiply actively and provokes the appearance of characteristic itchy and painful rashes in the form of vesicles, in the place of which the sores remain. The rash is mainly localized on the penis (in any part) and around it, on the scrotum, the skin covers around the anus.

symptoms of herpes in men
Genital herpes in men: treatment is possible?

If it is a question of curing a disease, that is aboutthe elimination of the virus completely, then we can say that herpes is incurable. In the dormant state, he will be present in the cells of the body until the end of life. However, it is quite possible to suppress intensive multiplication of the virus, to facilitate the course of the disease and to reduce the risk of its complications. This is achieved by taking antiviral drugs.

But before you look for a method of treatment,think: are you sure that you have herpes? Similar symptoms can occur in more dangerous diseases, for example, with syphilis. But if the herpes eventually passes by itself, syphilis in the absence of adequate treatment leads to the development of severe complications. Therefore, if you have any doubts about the cause of the rash, consult your doctor.

herpes in men treatment
Genital herpes in men: treatment with antiviral agents

If you know exactly what other infections you haveno, and the emerging rashes are signs of herpes, you can start therapy with creams and ointments containing antiviral substances. Now the most optimal medicines for the treatment of herpes are considered to be such preparations, produced in the form of ointments, like "Acyclovir", "Famciclovir", "Valaciclovir", "Penciclovir". Therapy should be started as soon as possible, with the first symptoms of pain or itching. Before applying to the skin, wash it with soap and water and pat dry with a towel. Ointment should be applied to the affected area with a thin layer, repeat the procedure every three hours for three to five days. On the second day you should notice positive dynamics: unpleasant sensations will abate, bubbles will decrease, and new ones will stop appearing. If signs of improvement are not observed throughout the week, consult a doctor.

Genital herpes in men: treatment with folk remedies

The effectiveness of phytopreparations in the therapy of herpes inlaboratory conditions is not verified. But some studies have shown that some medicinal plants are capable of blocking the reproduction of the virus: melissa, peppermint, aloe.

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