Indications for the use of Borjomi. How to drink Borjomi?
Mineral water "Borjomi" can be attributed tothe category of legends. Her healing properties were recognized in the first half of the XIX century, when one of the colonels surprisingly quickly cured stomach problems with ordinary water. She was found at a source near the river Borjomi, which is in Georgia. At this place was organized a resort, which until now remains a unique natural and climatic zone. Water comes to the surface in a natural way. It includes juvenile waters, which are formed due to complex volcanic processes.
Application of Borjomi for medicinal purposes
"Borjomi" refers to the category of medicinal-table water. It acts refreshingly, putting in order the water-salt balance of the body.
The use of this sodium bicarbonate wateris recommended in cases of chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis, stomach ulcers or duodenum. But in the period of exacerbations, drinking this water is prohibited.
"Borjomi" has a beneficial effect wheninflammation of the intestinal mucosa and in the case of gastrointestinal complications. Improve the condition with pancreatitis will also help water "Borjomi". Indications for use appear in case of obesity and in diabetes mellitus of any type. It is able to optimize the metabolic processes of the body, as well as beneficial effects on the excretory system.
It is desirable to use Borjomi in casesrenal failure (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis and urolithiasis), as well as people who have problems with bile secretion (cholecystitis, liver pathology).
"Borjomi" very quickly copes with diseases of the upper respiratory tract and colds. It is also capable of greatly speeding up the rehabilitation process after various operations.
Indications for the use of "Borjomi" are due to hisbalanced composition, which allows you to partially replace it with table water. However, to exclude from its diet table water is not fully recommended.
Water curative "Borjomi". Composition. Indications for use. Beneficial features
Mineral water has a unique chemicalThe composition that determines its useful properties. This is an alkaline water, its mineralization is 5.5-7.5 grams per liter. The composition of Borjomi includes more than 80 useful chemical elements and compounds for the body. It contains a significant amount of compounds of calcium, sodium, potassium and chlorine. In addition, magnesium, silicon, aluminum, strontium, titanium, boron, sulfur and fluorine compounds are present in its composition in smaller amounts, as well as ash of volcanic origin.
Due to its unique composition, Borjomiperfectly cope with the normalization of the acid-base balance of the stomach, helping to cope with the digestion of food. Regular use of water increases the amount of glycogen, an animal protein that simultaneously regulates liver activity and blood sugar levels. Other indications for the use of "Borjomi" are urate stones in the kidneys. It is capable of completely dissolving stones no more than 0.7 centimeter in diameter.
For a person suffering from a hangoversyndrome, especially the actual water becomes "Borjomi". Indications for use in this case are justified by the ability of water to retain moisture in the body and save it from dehydration.
Borjomi can be used not only as acomponent of treatment, but also for prevention. For example, during the heat it can not only quench your thirst, but also restore the salt balance, which is disturbed in the body due to loss of moisture.
Rules for the use of mineral water
The answer to the question of most people about howcorrectly to drink "Borjomi", is covered in regularity and observance of norm. Despite all its useful qualities, in an unlimited amount it can harm the body. It will be correct to use this water half an hour before eating 150 grams. Her healing properties will be much better if her temperature is equal to room temperature. It is recommended to warm up Borjomi in a water bath in order to preserve as many useful elements as possible. Drink mineral water slowly, but in large sips.
The use of mineral water during pregnancy
During pregnancy, there is no strict ban on the use of this medicinal water, but still it is not worth eating more than one glass a day.
This dosage is explained by the fact that the body needs time and energy for processing salts that are part of the water.
"Borjomi" will help ease the condition during the toxicosis, and also save from heartburn, because of the tablets in this situation will have to give up.
Use "Borjomi" pregnant women can only after all the gas was released from it.
Diseases of children. We are treated with mineral water
Indications and contraindications for children in many waysdepend on their age. Doctors do not recommend drinking Borjomi to children under the age of three. At the end of this time, it can be prescribed for constipation, since water has a diuretic, laxative and purifying effect.
Regular use increases the amount of potassium in the body of children, which is necessary for their normal development.
Indications for the use of Borjomi in children aregastritis. It is often used as one of the elements of treatment in children's sanatoria. The amount of it in the diet is strictly controlled. Most often, water is consumed three times a day.
The amount of water that is allowed to drink to children,depends on the mass of their body. The recommended dose is 4 ml per kilogram of the child's weight. On what kind of gastritis the child suffers, it will depend whether you drink Borjomi before or after meals.
The use of Borjomi for weight loss
People who are overweight should drink more water,than others. Dilution diet will help the water "Borjomi". The use of mineral water has a positive effect on the work of the intestine, speeds up the lipid metabolism and forms ATP-acid. After its disintegration, additional energy is produced, and the work of the enzyme, which breaks down the fat, also improves. The body begins to be cleansed of toxins.
The body will quickly get rid of toxins if you drinkBorjomi in the morning. Mineral water contributes to weight loss, but this does not mean that the entire diet should consist only of it. The healing water must be combined with proper nutrition and moderate physical exertion. You can also arrange a day off at Borjomi, but it's important to remember that there can only be one such day a week.
People with excess weight can eatmineral water, having previously released gas from it. The fact that it stimulates the production of gastric juice, thereby increasing the desire to consume food.
Treatment of respiratory tract infections
As already mentioned, "Borjomi" has a therapeutic effect, helping to get rid of colds, coughs and bronchitis.
The majority of specialists on the question of howcorrectly drink "Borjomi" during a cold and cough, it is recommended to mix water and milk in a 1: 1 ratio. Water must first be removed from the water.
Borjomi is well suited for inhalation. An ultrasonic inhaler is suitable for this purpose. In a syringe you need to collect about 5 ml of water without gas. It should be breathed for 7 minutes.
If there is no special inhaler, ordinary deep dishes are used. Water "Borjomi" needs to warm up to 50 degrees and breathe over it for five minutes.
Inhalation is recommended not only for treatment, but also for prevention. During the epidemic of the virus, they help to stay healthy.
Carbon dioxide in Borjomi. Harmful effect on the body
Contraindications when using this water inFirst of all, people who suffer from ulcers should pay attention. Excessive use of this liquid will not do them good. The fact is that the excessive amount of carbon dioxide that is present in most mineral waters, including in Borjomi, will corrode the walls of the stomach, and only exacerbate the problems with it. Carbon dioxide will disrupt the secretory and motor functions of the stomach, bile secretion and bile formation, and can also cause a violation of the acid-base balance in the body.
"Borjomi". Indications for use. Benefits and Harms of Mineral Compounds
Minerals are the most important components of medicinal waters. Most people are mistaken, assuming that this water can completely replace the dining room and consume it in unlimited quantities.
Borjomi has a high salt content. For 100 ml of water there are eight grams of these minerals. This dose exceeds the norm necessary for the body. Excess minerals will have the same negative impact on the body as their deficiency. Human organs and glands will be overloaded with the produced substances, and their work will deteriorate. This will affect the functioning of the entire body.
New biochemical reactions
"Borjomi" can cause uncontrolledcompounds of substances. This is especially pronounced during alcohol poisoning. The therapeutic mineral water can greatly facilitate the course of the hangover, however, it is rather difficult to secure this process. This is due to the fact that the mineral substances saturated with alcohol and products of its decomposition after ingestion may cause chaotic biochemical reactions that have not yet been studied. This can lead to an irreversible change in metabolism.
Despite the fact that "Borjomi" refers tomedicinal-table waters, which are dispensed without a doctor's prescription, its use may contain a certain danger. Indications for the use of "Borjomi" should be determined by a therapist, gastroenterologist or nutritionist. They need to seek advice before deciding to use it for treatment or prevention.